Australian Air League

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The Australian Air League is a not-for-profit, civilian operated aviation youth organisation in Australia. Its objective is to encourage the spirit of aviation and air-mindedness in the youth of Australia. Its Latin motto is A Vinculo Terrae (Free From the Bonds of The Earth).


[edit] History

Mr. George Robey was an Australian soldier who distinguished himself as an original ANZAC. He won a Distinguished Conduct Medal on 25 April 1915 at the Gallipoli landing. Mr. Robey was still a soldier, in the Militia when in 1927 he went to Canberra to assist in the Ceremonial Opening of Parliament House.

He brought back a toy wooden aeroplane for his son Keith that sparked an interest in aviation that inspired his son and that inspiration has lasted until the present day.

Keith Robey through his career has been a senior executive of one of Australia’s largest general aviation companies. Keith has also been known as a well respected aviation feature writer for Aircraft magazine, specialising in flight testing of aircraft.

The gift of the toy wooden aeroplane also sparked off the Australian Air League when five years later Keith complained of the lack of a youth organisation specialising in aviation.

His father George Robey and other concerned adults formed the Air Mindedness Development League and on 18 July 1934 Keith became enrolled as the first Cadet member. Not long after that the name was changed to the Australian Air League.

The first training Squadron opened at Manly, New South Wales on 17 January 1935 with 30 Cadets aged between 14 and 23 years. The first girls Squadron opened in 1944. The Correspondence Wing commenced in 1941. By 1942, 26,000 boys had been trained in aviation and 125 Squadrons operated in three states.

World War II took its toll as many of the Officers went into the services and at the end of hostilities, felt that they had experienced more than enough of wearing uniforms and discipline and hence many Squadrons closed.

However, the Australian Air League has continued. There are more than 160 active Squadrons and more squadrons continue to open. The founders of the Australian Air League saw the prosperous future for aviation and the Australian Air League has become part of that future being recognised in the aviation industry and Armed Services as the primary school of aviation. Over the years it has been held in high respect by the leaders of the Nation and from early stages of our history, Governors General of Australia have been Patron-In-Chief of the Australian Air League.

Today the Australian Air League Inc. is an independent organisation and is not associated with, or sponsored by, any religious, military or other organisation. It is completely self-governing, self-supporting and the Constitution does not limit the class of person entitled to benefit under the Aims and Objectives.

[edit] Volunteer Support

As a not for profit organisation, the Australian Air League relies on the help of a network of volunteers to carry out the various tasks which need to be fulfilled in order for the organisation to exist.

Coming from a wide range of backgrounds, these volunteers bring a variety of different skills to the League and contribute by joining the League as either an associate or League member, from where then can play a vital role in the operation of various levels of the league.

[edit] Associate Membership

Associate membership provides a way for adults to join as non-uniformed, but financial, members of the League. Associate members are eligible to serve on the Squadron 'Branch Committee' or 'Parents Association', from where they can directly assist the squadron by helping to keep track of the Squadrons finances and co-ordinating fund-raising activities.

Associate members are also eligible to participate in most functions and activities that are open to uniformed members.

[edit] League Membership

Alternatively, an adult may wish to join the League as an Officer. Such people, are inducted into the Leagues Trainee Officer Programme, where they are given the rank of Trainee Officer and taken through a series of courses covering the day-to-day operations of a squadron, the expectations they will face, and correct procedure for handling different situations.

Upon completing the course, the new member is awarded the rank of Second Officer, and are attached to a unit, usually the squadron in their local area.

[edit] Ranks

The Australian Air League has an internal rank structure for all uniformed members which, is replicated from various organisations including military forces, police forces and Commercial aviation organisations.

The ranks are divided into three categories. The first are the Cadet ranks (referred to as N.C.O. ranks). These ranks are awarded to members of a Squadron, aged 18 years and under, who have displayed, amongst other things, excellent leadership abilities, discipline and determination. These promotions are recommended by the Officer Commanding Squadron.

In the second category there are supernumery ranks. These are ranks held by members who do not fit into the Officer or Cadet ranking system. Ranks in this category can be held by both young members and adult members.

In the third category are the Officer ranks. These are ranks are awarded to uniformed adult members of the league based upon their performance and appointment within their respective unit. These promotions are recommended by the officers immediate superior.

The ranks an individual member holds is signified by either a series chevrons worn on both sleeves, for N.C.O. ranks, or by a series of blue, silver or gold stripes worn on the eppaulettes. An absence of any rank insignia indicates a rank of "Cadet".

[edit] Chart of Cadet (N.C.O.) ranks

The ranks in this chart are listed with each successive rank down the page being superior to the one preceding it.

Title Abbr. Description Markings Example
Cadet Cdt. The initial rank held a member under 18 years of age. none
Leading Cadet L/Cdt. Usually the marker in a Section. Serves as assistant to a corporal. 1 Chevron. Image:Aal_rank_lcdt.png
Corporal Cpl. The member in command of a Section. 2 Chevrons. Image:Aal_rank_cpl.png
Sergeant Sgt. The member in command of a Flight. 3 Chevrons. Image:Aal_rank_sgt.png
Squadron Sergeant S/Sgt. The member in command of all Cadet members in a Squadron. 3 Chevrons + AAL pip. Image:Aal_rank_ssgt.png

[edit] Chart of Supernumery ranks

The ranks in this chart are listed with each successive rank down the page being superior to the one preceding it. However, it should be noted that the rank of "Drum Major" is normally equivalent to that of "Sergeant". In situations when the Drum Major is leading a band, he/she effectively out-ranks every other member, since the band must not be obstructed.

Title Abbr. Description Markings Example
Drum Major D/Maj. The member in command of a band. 4 Chevrons + Drum. Image:Aal_rank_dmaj.png
Warrant Officer W/O. A member who is 18 or 19+ years old who does not yet wish to hold a permanent Officer Appointment. AAL Logo on Epaulettes. Image:Aal_rank_wo.png
Trainee Officer T/O This is the initial rank awarded to an adult who has been accepted into the Leagues Trainee Officer program. 1 x 7 mm sky blue bar. Image:Aal_rank_to.png

[edit] Chart of Officer ranks

The ranks in this chart are listed with each successive rank down the page being superior to the one preceding it.

Title Abbr. Description Markings Example
2nd Officer. 2nd. Off. The rank awarded upon successful completion of the Trainee Officer Program 1 x 7 mm silver bar. Image:Aal_rank_so.png
1st Officer. 1st. Off. Awarded to 2nd Officers who show proficiancy in their chosen appointment 2 x 7 mm silver bars. Image:Aal_rank_fo.png
Squadron Lieutenant. Sqdn. Lt. Optimum rank for Squadron Staff members 3 x 7 mm silver bars. Image:Aal_rank_sl.png
Squadron Captain. Sqdn. Capt. Optimum rank for Officer Commanding Squadrons and Wing Staff Officers 2 x 7 mm silver bars.

1 x 13 mm silver bar.

Wing Captain Wing Capt. Optimum rank for Officer Commanding Wings 1 x 7 mm silver bar.

2 x 13 mm silver bars.

Group Lieutenant Gp. Lt. Optimum rank for Group level Regional Officers 3 x 13 mm silver bars. Image:Aal_rank_gl.png
Group Commissioner. Gp. Comm. Optimum rank for Group Staff 1 x 13 mm gold bar. Image:Aal_rank_gc.png
Lieutenant Commissioner. Lt. Comm. 2 x 13 mm gold bars. Image:Aal_rank_lc.png
Commissioner. Comm. Optimum rank for Group Excecutive Commissioners and Federal Staff 3 x 13 mm gold bar. Image:Aal_rank_c.png
Chief Commissioner. Chief Comm. Rank held by the 'Chief Commissioner' (head of the Federal Staff) 4 x 13 mm gold bars. Image:Aal_rank_cc.png

[edit] Structure of the League

[edit] Cadet

The term 'Cadet' refers to a member who is under the age of 18/19 and holds the rank of 'Cadet' or holds one of the NCO ranks.

[edit] Section

A section is defined as a group of five cadets, three of whom may be leading cadets, with a corporal in charge of the section for a total of six members. If the section contains all three Leading Cadets, they comprise the first three members on the Corporals left when forming up.

[edit] Flight

Diagram of the structure of a flight.
Diagram of the structure of a flight.

A flight consists of 3 sections in formation under the command of a sergeant, making a total of 19 members.

When assembled as a flight, each horizontal line of 6 cadets is known as a "rank". The 3 "ranks" are referred to as 'A', 'B' and 'C' sections, with 'A' section forming the front rank, 'B' section in the middle rank, and 'C' section at the rear. Each vertical line of cadets is known as a file. each file is associated a number. (1 through 6 numbered from Sergeants left)

[edit] Flag Party

A Flag Party is ceremonial unit paraded by a Squadron. It can take only 2 forms 1 - 1 NCO in Charge, 3 bearers and 3 escorts; 2 - 1 NCO in Charge, 1 bearer and 2 escorts.

The first version consists of three flags, the state, national and unit flag. The second version may only consist of the unit flag,

Wing, Group and Federal Flag Parties may only take the second form.

The ranks of the members in a Squadron Flag party must satisfy the following criteria:

  • The N.C.O. in charge may hold a rank of no higher than Sergeant, but must out-rank every other member of the Flag Party.
  • The flag-bearers are charged with the duty of carrying the Squadron, State and National flags. These members may hold a rank no higher than corporal, but must equal or outrank the escorts.
  • The escorts role is to assist the flag bearer and to "escort" the flags. These members may hold a rank no higher than Leading Cadet, but be of equal or lesser rank than the Flag Bearers

[edit] Squadron

A full squadron consists of any number of flights and a flag party with a squadron sergeant being in charge of the combined unit. Rather than directly ordering each unit, the squadron sergeant conveys orders to the N.C.O.'s in charge of each sub-unit, who then relay the orders to their subordinates.

The squadron also has a number of non-command Officers who are referred to as the Squadron Staff. The command level officer of the squadron is the "Officer Commanding Squadron", usually abbreviated to S.O.C., or just O.C. when used in a squadron environment.

[edit] Wing

A wing consists of at least 2 Squadrons, who share a common geographical location.

[edit] Region

A region consists of at least 2 wings which usually share a larger geographical area. For example, "Eastern Region".

[edit] Group

A Group coordinates the Leagues activities at a State level and consists of all league units, other than federal units, in their particular state. Group Status is defined by the Leagues Chief Commissioner, according to a set criteria. Units in states that do not conform to this criteria are designated Wings of the Federal Department.

At the moment, the these current groups exist within the League:

  • Victoria Group
  • Queensland Group
  • N.S.W. Boys Group
  • N.S.W. Girls Group

The League currently has 2 Federal Administered wings:

[edit] Activities

The Australian Air League has many different activities for its members. These activities include:

  • Camping
  • Ceremonial Drill
  • Model Aircraft Building and Flying
  • Sports
  • Working to complete the Duke of Edinburgh's Award

and much more...

Educational classes also instruct members about:

and much more...

Members also have the opportunity to gain the AAL diploma by obtaining a selected amount of courses within particular time period

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. Australian Air League Manual (June 2004)