
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[edit] About me

en This user is a native speaker of English.
ru Русский языкродной для этого участника.

[edit] School

  • A graduate student, currently working on my Master’s degree in Computer Science.
  • Undergrad is a B.S. in the same field from a different school.
  • I was two classes short of a B.A. in Physics when I decided I wanted to focus on CS because it was more practical.
  • Working with and being around smart people is fun.

[edit] Work

  • Full-time Systems Analyst / Admin for my educational institution.
  • I like my job.

[edit] Not School or Work

  • I play classical guitar. I’ve been playing for a little over 10 years. I’m ok.
  • I like chess. Learned it from my dad. I prefer losing over winning. I hope you know why.
  • I prefer theory over experimentation, but attest that both are critical.
  • I enjoy algorithms.
  • I'm interested in Kabbalah. I arrived at this through my love of Physics. I know a fair amount so far.
  • I have a cat that plays fetch with me. If you’ve ever had a cat, you would know why this is amazing and ridiculous.

[edit] Wikipedia + Why I’m Here

  • Freedom of Speech (at least on the internet). Wikipedia helps make this possible and easily accessible. This should be a universal right.
  • Freedom of Information. Information wants to be free.
  • I know stuff you don’t. You know stuff I don’t. Our powers combined…
  • Sources. I’m a big fan of information derived from cited, legitimate sources. Wikipedia’s system of checks and balances has put its informational accuracy on par with Britannica. On an anonymously editable system open to the public, this is an absolutely amazing feat.
  • To join everyone in the search for the truth. This is a lot less delusion-of-grandeur-ly than it sounds, and if you don’t feel like you’re in it yet, it’s ok. It’ll come to you.

[edit] To Do

  • Dark matter discussion, alternate theory introduction.
  • Linear time algorithms.
  • Systems research
  • 40-year-old-virgin (movie) commentary