Category:Auriga constellation

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The main article for this category is Auriga constellation.
Equivalent catalogue designations for articles appearing in this category:
Common name Bayer Flamsteed
Capella α Aur 13 Aur
Menkalinan β Aur 34 Aur
Almaaz ε Aur 7 Aur
Hoedus I ζ Aur 8 Aur
Hoedus II η Aur 10 Aur
Bogardus θ Aur 37 Aur
Hassaleh ι Aur 3 Aur
Other objects
Common name Messier New General Catalogue
M 36 NGC 1960
M 37 NGC 2099
M 38 NGC 1912
Constellation map
Constellation map