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Aurilândia is a small town and municipality in eastern Goiás state, Brazil.

  • Population (2005 estimate): 4,216 (4,953 in 1980)
  • Total area: 567.0 km²
  • Elevation: 520 meters
  • Became a municipality: 1948
  • Microregion: Anicuns Microregion
  • Postal code: 76120-000

Communications and Location

Neighboring municipalities: São Luís de Montes Belos, Firminópolis, São João da Paraúna, Paraúna.

Demographic and Political Data

  • Population density: 7.48 inhab/km² (2003)
  • Population growth rate 1991/2000: -0,08.% (The town has lost more than 700 people since 1980.
  • Population in 1980: 4,953
  • Population in 1991: 4,265
  • Urban population in 2003: 3,039
  • Rural population in 2003: 1,187 (In 1980 the rural population was greater than the urban.)
  • Eligible voters: 3213 (09/2004)
  • City government in 2005: mayor (João Borges da Silva), vice-mayor (Aguinaldo Oliveira de Rezende Júnior), and 09 councilmembers
  • Households: 1,327 (2000)
  • Household income: In 2000 995 out of 1,327 households reported less than two minimum salaries (The minimum salary in April 2000 was R$151.00. The minimum salary of April 2006 was R$350.00, which was $167.40 US dollars on April 30, 2006)


The main economic activities are cattle raising, agriculture, commerce, and small transformation industries. Public administration is the largest employer. There is a large informal economy.

There were 50,000 head of cattle (5,000 milking cows) in 2003. The main agricultural products were bananas (50 hectares planted), hearts of palm (120 hectares planted), rice, manioc, and corn.

There were 315 automobiles and pickup trucks, 19 trucks, and 145 motorcycles in 2004.

  • Gross Domestic Product: 19.136 million Reais in 2002, which was 0.06% of the state GDP of 31.298 billion Reais in the same year.
  • Gross Domestic Product per capita: 4,528 Reais in 2002, which was below the state average of 5,921 Reais in the same year.
  • Financial institutions: Banco Itaú S.A.


  • Infant mortality rate in 2000: 24.88
  • Infant mortality rate in 1990: 43.64
  • Health establishments: 03 (2002)
  • Hospitals: 01 with 11 beds
  • Doctors and nurses: 05, 02


  • Literacy rate in 2000: 84.3
  • Literacy rate in 1991: 80.5
  • Pre-primary school enrollment, teachers, and schools: 85, 04, 01 (2004)
  • Primary school enrollment, teachers, and schools: 696, 25, 04
  • Middle school enrollment, teachers, and schools: 260, 20, 01
  • Higher education: none registered in 2004

Ranking on the Municipal Human Development Index

  • Life expectancy: 68.6
  • Adult literacy rate: 0.825
  • School attendance rate: 0.852
  • MHDI: 0.732
  • State ranking: 140 (out of 242 municipalities)
  • National ranking: 2,390 (out of 5,507 municipalities)

All data are from 2000

For the complete list see

For data see IBGE and Seplan

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