Audax UK
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Audax UK or AUK is the Audax Club Parisien sanctioned brevet coordinating organization for the United Kingdom.
UK Cyclists riding in the Paris-Brest-Paris qualify for the event through AUK.
Audax UK also promotes long-distance cycling, or "randonneuring" or "audax", within the UK, there are about 4000 members but the calendar of events is open to all cyclists.
Randonneuring is a style of bicycle riding that requires covering long-distances over an unmarked course of challenging terrain within a generously allotted time period of almost continuous riding. Riders do not compete against their fellow cyclists, but only against their own personal best, the weather and the mind's desire for sleep. Skills in self-sufficiency, bicycle mechanics, night-riding and endurance are all valued over ability to cycle at racing speeds or with racing strategies.