Atlit Yam

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The final Pre-pottery Neolithic B site of Atlit Yam in Israel dates between 6900 and 6300 BC. Today, it lies between 8-12 m beneath sea level in the Bay of Atlit at the mouth of the Oren river on the Carmel coast. It covers an area of ca. 40.000 m². Underwater excavations have uncovered rectangular houses and a well, which to date (2004) is the oldest in the world. The site was covered by the eustatic rise of sea-levels after the end of the Ice age. It is assumed that the contemporary coast-line was about 1 km west of the present coast.[1][2] Piles of fish ready for trade or storage have led scientists to conclude that the village was abandoned suddenly. An Italian study conducted by a team led by Maria Pareschi of the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Pisa in December 2006 indicates that a volcanic collapse of the Eastern flank of Mount Etna 8500 years ago would likely have caused a 10-story (40 m) tsunami to engulf some Mediterranean coastal cities within hours. Some scientists point to the apparent abandonment of Atlit Yam around the same time as further evidence that such a tsunami did indeed occur.[3][4]


[edit] History of Research

Submerged settlements and shipwrecks have been found on the Carmel coast since ca. 1960, when sand quarrying started on a big scale.

[edit] Houses

There are remains of rectangular houses. Hearth-places have been preserved as well.

[edit] The Well

The well lies 10.5 m under present sea-level. It is constructed by dry-stone walling, with a diameter of 1.5 m and a depth of 5.5 m. It is cut into a layer of clay the bedrock of quarzitic sandstone. The fill contained worked flints, artifacts of ground stone and bone and animal bones in two separate layers. The upper layer contains partly articulated animal bones, which were presumably thrown in after the well went out of use, maybe because of increasing salinity of the water. There are other round structures at the site which may be wells as well.

[edit] Burials

Ten flexed burials have been discovered, both inside the houses and in their vicinity.

[edit] Finds

Anthropomorphic stone stelae have been found. The lithics include arrowheads, sickle-blades and axes. Bone fish-hooks point to the importance of marine resources.

[edit] Economy

Animal bones and plant remains have been preserved as well. Numerous fish-bones point to a bigger dependence on marine resources than hitherto assumed for this period. Animal bones come mainly from wild species. The plant remains include wild grape, poppy and caraway seeds. Granary weevils indicate the presence of stored grain. Pollen analysis and the remains of marsh-plants indicates the local presence of swamps.

[edit] Dating

The settlement has been dated by three Radiocarbon dates from submerged branches:

Lab-number BP
date (approx.)
RT-2477/8 7605 6460 BCE 55
RT-2479 7460 6270-6390 BCE 55
RT-2489 7880 6660-6700 BCE 55

[edit] Sources

  1. ^ Ehud Galili/Y. Nir, The submerged pre-pottery Neolithic water well at Atlit-Yam, northern Israel, and its palaeoenvironmental implications The Holocene 3, 1993, 265-270.
  2. ^ Ehud Galili/ Jacob Sharvit, Submerged Neolithic water-wells from the Carmel coast of Israel. Landschaftsverband Rheinland, Rheinisches Amt für Bodendenkmalpflege (ed.), Brunnen der Jungsteinzeit. Internationales Symposium in Erkelenz, 27. bis 29. Oktober 1997. Materialien zur Denkmlapflege im Rheinland 11, 1998 (Bonn Habelt) 31-44.
  3. ^ Than, Ker. "Ten-Story Tsunami Thrashed Mediterranean 8,000 Years Ago", Fox News, 2006-11-30. Retrieved on December 20, 2005.
  4. ^ Hecht, Jeff. "How Etna's Neolithic Hiccup Set Off a Tsunami", New Scientist, 2006-12-13. Retrieved on December 20, 2005.