Atle Antonsen

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Atle Antonsen
Atle Antonsen

Atle Antonsen (born 11 August 1969 in Lillehammer) is a Norwegian comedian. He has participated in and contributed to several television and radio shows for NRK including XL and XLTV (1998-99), Ut i vår hage (2003), Team Antonsen (2004), Tre brødre som ikke er brødre (2005) and Etaten (2006). He has cooporated with Harald Eia, Bård Tufte Johansen, Espen Thoresen Hværsaagod-Takkskalduha, Kristopher Schau and Johan Golden amongst others.

In the Norwegian parliamentary election in 2001 Atle Antonsen, together with Johan Golden, were candidates for Det Politiske Parti (The Political Party) a party formed as a satiric statement on modern politics.

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