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In Greek mythology, Atlantia was one of the wives of Danaus. She was a hamadryad.

In Greek mythology, Atlanta is known to be the runner. No one knows who her parents were, one possibility was King Iasus and Clymene or Arcadia. It was known that whoever her father was didn’t want her because he wanted a baby boy. As a result, Atlanta’s parents left her in the woods to die. Some say she was raised by bears and some say she was found and raised by hunters, that’s why she was very talented at hunting and being outdoors.

Atlanta’s father heard and saw her being a very good hunter and decided that she can come back home to them. Her father wanted her to be married but Atlanta has never had any interest with any men. They decided that they will put suitors to a test. The test was that if they win a footrace against Atlanta, they win and marry her.

All the other suitors lost against her, she gave them head start, she wore a heavy armor and tried more but still all the suitors weren’t good enough. Until one suitor, Melonion, he asked the goddess Aphrodite for help.

Aphrodite, the goddess of Love, told Melonion that she will give him three irresistible apples and throw it on the ground to distract Atlanta. It worked and they were married the very night.

Melonion and Atlanta forgot to thank the goddess Aphrodite and as usual, they had to deal with the harsh consequences. The couple were very in love so Aphrodite decided that they were going to be turned into lions because they believed that lions can only mate with leopards.