Athos Range

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Athos Range (70°13′S 64°50′E) is the northernmost range in the Prince Charles Mountains of Mac. Robertson Land, Antarctica.

It consists of a large number of individual mountains and nunataks that trend east-west for 40 miles (60 km) along the north side of Scylla Glacier. These mountains were first observed from aircraft of U.S. Navy Operation Highjump, 1946-47. The western part of the range was first visited by an ANARE (Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions) party led by J. Bechervaise in November 1955. The range was again visited in December 1956 by the ANARE southern party, 1956-57, led by W.G. Bewsher, and a depot was established at the eastern extremity. It was named after a character in The Three Musketeers, a novel by Alexandre Dumas, père which was the most popular book read on the southern journey.

This article is based on a United States Geological Survey gazetteer.