Aten asteroid records

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The following is a list of current records for Aten_asteroids.

Record Object Value
Discovery Records
1st Detected 1954 XA December 5, 1954
1st Confirmed 2062 Aten Jan. 7, 1976
Physical Records Absolute
Dimmest (Named)
2340 Hathor 19.2 5.3 km
Brightest 1999 HF1 14.5 4.3 km
Brightest (Numbered) (66146) 1998 TU3 14.7 3.6 km
Brightest (Named) 3753 Cruithne 15.1 3.3 km
Smallest (Named) 3362 Khufu 18.3 700 m
Dimmest (Numbered) (68347) 2001 KB67 19.9 505 m
Dimmest 2003 SW130 29.1 5 m
Orbital Records
Perihelion Records q (au) notes
Smallest (137924) 2000 BD19 0.092 smallest of all asteroids
Smallest (named) 2340 Hathor 0.464
Largest (numbered) 2062 Aten 0.790
Largest 2002 AA29 0.984 Earth Co-Orbital
Semi-Major Axis Records a (au) notes
Smallest 2004 JG6 0.635 Apohele asteroid, smallest of all asteroids
Smallest (numbered) (66391) 1999 KW4 0.642
Smallest (named) 2100 Ra-Shalom 0.832
Largest (numbered) 3753 Cruithne 0.998 Earth Co-Orbital
Largest (85770) 1998 UP1 0.999 In Earth's Zone of Influence
Apohelion Records Q (au) notes
Smallest 2004 JG6 0.973 Apohele asteroid, smallest of all asteroids
Smallest (numbered) (33342) 1998 WT24 1.019 smallest of all numbered asteroids
Smallest (named) 2062 Aten 1.143 smallest of all named asteroids
Largest (named) 3753 Cruithne 1.511 Earth Co-Orbital
Largest (66063) 1998 RO1 1.705 In Earth's Zone of Influence, Binary
Eccentricity Records e notes
Smallest 2002 AA29 0.013 Earth Co-Orbital
Smallest (numbered) 2062 Aten 0.183
Largest (named) 3753 Cruithne 0.515 Earth Co-Orbital
Largest (137924) 2000 BD19 0.895
Inclination Records i (deg) notes
Smallest 2004 FH 0.000
Smallest (numbered) (65679) 1989 UQ 1.3
Smallest (named) 2340 Hathor 5.9
Largest (numbered) 5381 Sekhmet 49.0
Largest 1998 SV4 53.3

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