Category talk:Astronomical navigation templates

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[edit] Messy navigation boxes

I hereby declare the constellation navigation boxes being messy (alt. foobared depending on general degree of geekiness). This I do in order to warn for my own future havocing them to look more alike. The constellation navigation templates labeled messy are:

  1. Template:ConstellationList (this will survive)
  2. Template:ConstellationsByBartsch (???)
  3. Template:ConstellationsByBayer (this template erroneously assigns new constellations to Bayer that was introduced by Petrus Plancius)
  4. Template:ConstellationsByHevelius (info OK)
  5. Template:ConstellationsByLacaille (info OK)
  6. Template:ConstellationsChangedByBayer (???)
  7. Template:ConstellationsFormer (this will survive)
  8. Template:ConstellationsListedByPtolemy (info OK)
  9. Template:ConstellationsNLDLAltered (???)
  10. Template:ConstellationsRoyerAltered (???)

What I wish to do is to make them all some kind of expandable, give them all different nuances of the same color, make them have same font size and general structure, so that many of them in the same page doesn't mess up the display too much. Twirling his moustaches, does: Rursus 14:43, 10 February 2007 (UTC)

Why not make all the templates the same color? Also, are most of these even needed? Is it necessary to have a navigation template to acknowledge someone every time someone names a new constellation? Dr. Submillimeter 15:41, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
Yes, good idea. But first behold this general sketch:
{{User:Rursus/Template:UnifiedNavConstell}} - sketch disabled, it looked like the {{navconstel}} template below.
This is intended to grow to a grand general unified constellation navigator (GGUCN), where subparts are expandable. In this case it would be informational if the coloring of the titles reflects the depths of hierarchy expansion. I'm experimentally building a system that allows the page editors to choose how many links to other constellations and former constellations to display. Rursus declamavi; 17:46, 10 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] New navigation boxes




The 88 modern Constellations
Andromeda • Antlia • Apus • Aquarius • Aquila • Ara • Aries • Auriga • Boötes • Caelum • Camelopardalis • Cancer • Canes Venatici • Canis Major • Canis Minor • Capricornus • Carina • Cassiopeia • Centaurus • Cepheus • Cetus • Chamaeleon • Circinus • Columba • Coma Berenices • Corona Australis • Corona Borealis • Corvus • Crater • Crux • Cygnus • Delphinus • Dorado • Draco • Equuleus • Eridanus • Fornax • Gemini • Grus • Hercules • Horologium • Hydra • Hydrus • Indus • Lacerta • Leo • Leo Minor • Lepus • Libra • Lupus • Lynx • Lyra • Mensa • Microscopium • Monoceros • Musca • Norma • Octans • Ophiuchus • Orion • Pavo • Pegasus • Perseus • Phoenix • Pictor • Pisces • Piscis Austrinus • Puppis • Pyxis • Reticulum • Sagitta • Sagittarius • Scorpius • Sculptor • Scutum • Serpens • Sextans • Taurus • Telescopium • Triangulum • Triangulum Australe • Tucana • Ursa Major • Ursa Minor • Vela • Virgo • Volans • Vulpecula
Constellation history
Obsolete constellations including Ptolemy's Argo Navis
Anser • Antinous • Argo Navis • Asterion • Cerberus • Chara • Custos Messium • Felis • Frederici Honores/Gloria Frederici • Gallus • Globus Aerostaticus • Jordanus • Lochium Funis • Machina Electrica • Malus • Mons Maenalus • Musca Borealis • Noctua • Officina Typographica • Polophylax • Psalterium Georgii/Harpa Georgii • Quadrans Muralis • Ramus Pomifer • Robur Carolinum • Sceptrum Brandenburgicum • Sceptrum et Manus Iustitiae • Solarium • Tarandus vel Rangifer • Taurus Poniatovii • Telescopium Herschelii • Testudo • Tigris • Triangulum Minor • Turdus Solitarius • Vultur
obsolete constellation names
Apis • Phoenicopterus • Serpentarius • Vespa • Xiphias

DONE. Rursus declamavi; 20:42, 13 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Dysfunctional beautification

Somebody made a very beautiful change in the Template:Navconstel-help, but then the [[edit]] buttons in the transclusion ceased to work. How to fix?? Rursus 18:06, 11 March 2007 (UTC)

Quarl fixed. Rursus 21:34, 13 March 2007 (UTC)