Asturian Painted Hen

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The Asturian Painted Hen is a large bird from the Asturian class of hens. It belongs to the Atlantic branch of animals, and it is eumetric, of medium weight, short and has a mottle look.


[edit] History

In reference to this breed origin, it is noticed that all the material corresponds to the Atlantic branch of the species and its origin is related to other breeds of hen in the north of Spain. With industrial avicultural development in the 50's and the 60's, and the creation of hybrids in order to produce eggs, the number of Asturian Painted Hens fell dramatically to the point of extinction. Fortunately, the breed was saved from extinction in the 80's by a few of enthusiastic traditional hen breeders. At the moment, an Asturian Painted Hen Breeders' Association is in the process of being set up.

[edit] Appearance

Some characteristics of an Asturian Painted Hen are:

  • Regular sized crests, small on females.
  • Ears are always red.
  • Adults' feathers are black with a white edge, giving the charasteristic mottle look.
  • Peak and legs are yellow with black spots.
  • Eyes are orange.
  • Weight is 4-4.5 kg by average for males and 2.7 kg for females.

[edit] Eggs

It is a good, regular layer, tough and responsive to the environment. Eggs are cream-coloured with a soft feel.

[edit] External links