Astronomical Calculation Institute (University of Heidelberg)

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The Astronomisches Rechen-Institut
The Astronomisches Rechen-Institut

The Astromomisches Rechen-Institut (Astronomical Calculation Institute) is part of the Center of Astronomy of the University of Heidelberg. Before it was a research institute for astrometry and stellar dynamics belonging to the state of Baden-Württemberg.

It is international the most important institution for astronomical data calculations. The Astronomisches Rechen-Institut is responsible among other things for the Gliese catalogue of nearby stars, the fundamental catalogues FK5 and FK6 and the annual published Apparent places, a high precision catalogue with precalculated positions for over 3 thousands star for each day.

The ARI[1] was founded in the year 1700 in Berlin-Dahlem by Gottfried Kirch. It has it's origin on the catalogue patent acceptilation in this time by Frederick I of Prussia, who introduced a monopol on publishing star catalogues in his state. By 1945 the institute was moved by the americans, who accupied the territory, near their headquarter in Heidelberg. Scince 1. January 2005 it was integrated to the Center of Astronomy and as today is not more limited to star catalogues but has a wide reasearch scope.

Current director is Prof. Dr. Joachim Wambsganß.

[edit] Research Interest

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ History of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (German). ARI (2005-02-01). Retrieved on January 21, 2007.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links