Astra 1KR

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Astra 1KR
General information
Launch Date April 20, 2006
Launch Mass 4332 KG
Orbit Mass
Manufacturer Lockheed Martin
Model A2100AX
Launcher /
Flight Number
Atlas V
Lifetime 15 years
Transponder Information
Transponder Capacity 32
Twta output power 32 x 140W
Bandwidth 32 x 26 MHz
Expendable Energy
Former location
Current location 19.2°E
List of broadcast satellites

Astra 1KR is a geostationary satellite owned by SES Astra. It was launched in April 2006 as a replacement for the failed Astra 1K launch attempt in 2000, and was the first successful SES Astra launch since 2002.

The craft launched to 3.4E for testing, before moving to 19.2°E, where it will replace Astra 1B, which is effectively decommissioned and Astra 1C, which is elderly and running beneath full capacity. It was expected to also replace Astra 2C, which is under-utilised and is being returned to 28.2°E to join 2A/2B/2D to provide additional capacity, however SES state that Astra 1L will replace this.

The first signals from the craft at 19.2E were direct replacements for four transponders on the failing Astra 1E.

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