Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ
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The Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ (ALJC) is a United States-based Christian denomination formed in 1952 by the merger of the Assemblies of the Church of Jesus Christ, the Jesus Only Apostolic Church of God, and the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Assemblies closely resembles the United Pentecostal Church in doctrine.
The Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ has approximately 420 churches in North America with over 1500 licensed ministers. Some of the largest concentrations of members are in Indiana, Ohio, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas.
Internationally the organization is currently supporting 10 missionaries who are overseeing works in 17 different nations. Worldwide there are currently 280 churches affiliated with the Assemblies of the Lord Christ. The Foreign Missions division also sponsors an international radio broadcast.
The organization is apostolic in doctrine and teaching. The Bible is the basis for their belief structure.