User:AshLin/Evan's Lycaenid list

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This is a list of the butterflies of India belonging to the family Lycaenidae and an index to the species articles. This forms part of the full list of butterflies of India.

List of Lycaenid species found in India

The following is based on Evans (1932) and lists 318 species belonging to 76 genera.


[edit] Genus Poritia - The Gems

[edit] Genus Simiskina - The Brilliants

[edit] Genus Gerydus now Miletus- The Brownies

[edit] Genus Allotinus - The Darkies

[edit] Genus Logania - The Mottles

[edit] Genus Spalgis - The Apefly

[edit] Genus Taraka - The Forest Pierrot

[edit] Genus Talicada - The Red Pierrot

[edit] Genus Castalius - The Pierrots

[edit] Genus Tarucus - The Blue Pierrots

[edit] Genus Syntarucus - The Zebra Blue

[edit] Genus Azanus - The Babul Blues

[edit] Genus Niphanda - The Pointed Pierrots

[edit] Genus Pithecops - The Forest Quakers

[edit] Genus Neopithecops - The Quaker

[edit] Genus Everes - The Tailed Cupids

[edit] Genus Bothrinia - The Hedge Cupid

[edit] Genus Megisba - The Malayan

[edit] Genus Lycaenopsis - The Hedge Blues

[edit] Genus Polyommatus - The Meadow Blues

  • Polyommatus atroguttata actually Phengaris atroguttata (Oberthür 1876) Great Spotted Blue (L20.1)
  • Polyommatus vicrama now Pseudophilotes vicrama (Moore 1865) Chequered Blue (L20.2)
  • Polyommatus christophi But. actually Plebejus christophe (Staudinger 1874) Small Jewel Blue (L20.3)
  • Polyommatus loewii Zeller 1847 Large Jewel Blue (L20.4)
  • Polyommatus astrarche Bergstrasser 1779 Orange-bordered Argus (L20.5)
  • Polyommatus semiargus actually Lycaena semiargus Stauder 1923 Chumbi Argus (L20.6)
  • Polyommatus pheretes actually Albulina pheretes (Hübner 1805) Mountain Blue (L20.7)
  • Polyommatus asiatica actually Albulina asiatica (Elwes 1882) Azure Mountain Blue (L20.8)
  • Polyommatus younghusbandi actually Lycaena younghusbandi Elwes 1906 Chumbi Green Underwing (L20.9)
  • Polyommatus omphisa Moore 1884 Dusky Green Underwing (L20.10)
  • Polyommatus metallica actually Lycaena metallica Felder & Felder 1865. Small Green Underwing (L20.11)
  • Polyommatus galathea actually Lycaena galathea Blanchard 1844. Large Green Underwing (L20.12)
  • Polyommatus orbitulus actually Lycaena orbitulus (Esper 1800). Greenish Mountain Blue (L20.13)
  • Polyommatus sarta (Alphéraky, 1882) Brilliant Meadow Blue (L20.14)
  • Polyommatus devanica now Tiora devanica (Moore 1874) Dusky Meadow Blue (L20.15)
  • Polyommatus eros (Ochsenheimer, 1808) Common Meadow Blue (L20.16)

[edit] Genus Chilades - The Lime Blue

[edit] Genus Zizeeria - The Grass Blues

[edit] Genus Euchrysops - The Plains Cupids

[edit] Genus Lycaenesthes - The Ciliate Blues

[edit] Genus Catachrysops - The Forgetmenots

[edit] Genus Lampides - The Peablue

[edit] Genus Jamides - The Ceruleans

[edit] Genus Orthomiella - The Straightwing Blue

[edit] Genus Una - The Una

[edit] Genus Nacaduba - The Lineblues

[edit] Genus Lycaena - The Coppers

[edit] Genus Heliophorus - The Sapphires

[edit] Genus Callophrys - The Tailless Hairstreaks

[edit] Genus Strymon - The White-line Hairstreaks

[edit] Genus Listeria - Lister's Hairstreak

[edit] Genus Euaspa - Water Hairstreak

[edit] Genus Thecla - The Hairstreaks

  • Thecla icana Moore actually Esakiozephyrus icana (Moore 1874)Dull-green Hairstreak (L37.1)
  • Thecla bieti DeN. now Esakiozephyrus bieti (Oberthür 1886) Indian Purple Hairstreak (L37.2)
  • Thecla pavo DeN. (De Nicéville, 1887) Peacock Hairstreak (L37.3)
  • Thecla ataxus Db. actually Chrysozephyrus ataxus (Westwood 1851) Wonderful Hairstreak (L37.4)
  • Thecla letha (Watson 1896). Watson's Hairstreak (L37.5)
  • Thecla suroia Tyt. correctly Chrysozephyrus surioia (Tytler 1915) Cerulean Hairstreak (L37.6)
  • Thecla vittata Tyt. actually Chrysozephyrus vittata (Tytler 1915) Tytler's Hairstreak (L37.7)
  • Thecla duma Hew. actually Chrysozephyrus duma (Hewitson, 1869) Metallic Green Hairstreak (L37.8)
  • Thecla zoa DeN. actually Chrysozephyrus zoa (De Nicéville, 1889) Powdered Green Hairstreak (L37.9)
  • Thecla doni Tyt. actually Teratozephyrus doni (Tytler 1915) Suroifui Hairstreak (L37.10)
  • Thecla kabrua Tyt. actually Chrysozephyrus kabrue (Tytler 1915) Kabru Hairstreak (L37.11)
  • Thecla birupa Moore actually Chrysozephyrus birupa (Moore 1877) Fawn Hairstreak (L37.12)
  • Thecla jakamensis Tyt. actually Chrysozephyrus jakamaensis (Tytler 1915) Jakama Hairstreak (L37.13)
  • Thecla syla Koll. now Chrysozephyrus syla (Kollar 1848) Silver Hairstreak (L37.14)
  • Thecla kirbariensis Tyt. actually Chrysozephyrus kirbariensis (Tytler 1915) Kirbari Hairstreak (L37.15)
  • Thecla paona Tyt. actually Chrysozephyrus paona (Tytler 1915) Paona Hairstreak (L37.16)
  • Thecla khasia DeN. actually Chrysozephyrus khasia (De Nicéville, 1890) Tailless Metallic Green Hairstreak (L37.17)
  • Thecla ziha (Hewitson, 1865). White-spotted Hairstreak (L37.18)

[edit] Genus Chaetoprocta - The Walnut Blue

[edit] Genus Amblopala - The Chinese Hairstreak

[edit] Genus Curetis - The Sunbeams

[edit] Genus Iraota - The Silverstreak Blues

[edit] Genus Horsfieldia - The Leaf Blues

[edit] Genus Thaduka - The Many-tailed Oak-Blue

[edit] Genus Mahathala - The Falcate Oakblues

  • Mahathala ameria (Hewitson, 1862) Falcate Oakblue (L44.1)
  • Mahathala atkinsoni Hew. Crenulate Oakblue (L44.2) actually Apporasa atkinsoni (Hewitson, 1869)

[edit] Genus Amblypodia - The Oakblues

  • Amblypodia anarte now Arhopala anarte (Hewitson 1862). Magnificent Oakblue (L45.1)
  • Amblypodia opalina actually Nilasera opalina Moore, 1883. Opal Oakblue (L45.2)
  • Amblypodia camdeo now Arhopala camdeo (Moore, 1857) Lilac Oakblue (L45.3)
  • Amblypodia suffusa suffusa Tytler, 1915. Tytler's Rosy Oakblue (L45.4)
  • Amblypodia silhetensis Hewitson, 1862. Sylhet Oakblue (L45.5)
  • Amblypodia yendava Grose-Smith, 1887. Singapore Oakblue (L45.6)
  • Amblypodia ace actually Arhopala ace De Nicéville, 1892. Tytler's Dull Oakblue (L45.7)
  • Amblypodia agrata actually Arhopala agrata De Nicéville, 1890. DeNiceville's Oakblue (L45.8)
  • Amblypodia oenea now Arhopala oenea (Hewitson, 1869). Hewitson's Oakblue (L45.9)
  • Amblypodia khamti actually Arhopala khamti Doherty, 1891. Doherty's Oakblue (L45.10)
  • Amblypodia alea now Panchala alea (Hewitson, 1862). Rosy Oakblue (L45.11)
  • Amblypodia agaba Hewitson, 1862. Purple-glazed Oakblue (L45.12)
  • Amblypodia canaraica actually Panchala canaraica (Moore, 1884) Kanara Oakblue (L45.13)
  • Amblypodia alemon now Arhopala alemon (De Nicéville 1891). Indian Oakblue (L45.14)
  • Amblypodia alax Evans, 1932. Silky Oakblue (L45.15)
  • Amblypodia centaurus now Nilasera centaurus (Fabricius, 1775). Centaur Oakblue (L45.16)
  • Amblypodia paralea Evans, 1925. Glazed Oakblue (L45.17)
  • Amblypodia amantes now Arhopala amantes (Hewitson, 1862). Large Oakblue (L45.18)
  • Amblypodia singla correctly Panchala singla (De Nicéville, 1885). Yellowdisc Oakblue (L45.19)
  • Amblypodia bazalus now Arhopala bazalus (Hewitson, 1862). Powdered Oakblue (L45.20)
  • Amblypodia eumolphus correctly Arhopala eumolphus (Cramer, 1782). Green Oakblue (L45.21)
  • Amblypodia ormistoni correctly Arhopala ormistoni Riley, 1920. Ormiston's Oakblue (L45.22)
  • Amblypodia bazaloides now Narathura bazaloides (Hewitson, 1878). Tamil Oakblue (L45.23)
  • Amblypodia alesia Felder, 1865. Pallid Oakblue (L45.24)
  • Amblypodia dodonaea Moore, 1857. Pale Himalayan Oakblue (L45.25)
  • Amblypodia rama (Kollar, 1848). Dark Himalayan Oakblue (L45.26)
  • Amblypodia comica actually Arhopala comica De Nicéville, 1900. Comic Oakblue (L45.27)
  • Amblypodia paramuta correctly Arhopala paramuta (De Nicéville, 1884). Hooked Oakblue (L45.28)
  • Amblypodia asopia now Arhopala asopia (Hewitson, 1869). Plain Tailless Oakblue (L45.29)
  • Amblypodia zeta now Arhopala zeta (Moore, 1877). Andaman Tailless Oakblue (L45.30)
  • Amblypodia arvina now Arhopala arvina (Hewitson 1869). Purple Brown Tailless Oakblue (L45.31)
  • Amblypodia perimuta now Darasana perimuta (Moore, 1857) Yellowdisc Tailless Oakblue (L45.32)
  • Amblypodia ganesa now Panchala ganesa (Moore, 1857)Tailless Bushblue (L45.33)
  • Amblypodia paraganesa now Acesina paraganesa De Nicéville 1882. Dusky Bushblue (L45.34)
  • Amblypodia ammon now Arhopala ammon (Hewitson, 1862). Malayan Bushblue (L45.35)
  • Amblypodia birmana actually Arhopala birmana (Moore, 1883) Burmese Bushblue (L45.36)
  • Amblypodia aberrans actually Acesina aberrans De Nicéville, 1889. Pale Bushblue (L45.37)
  • Amblypodia ellisi actually Arhopala ellisi Evans, 1914. Ellis's Bushblue (L45.38)
  • Amblypodia abseus now Arhopala abseus (Hewitson, 1862). Aberrant Bushblue (L45.39)
  • Amblypodia diardi now Arhopala diardi (Hewitson, 1862). Bifid Plushblue (L45.40)
  • Amblypodia fulgida now Arhopala fulgida (Hewitson, 1863). Shining Plushblue (L45.41)
  • Amblypodia apidanus Doh. Plain Plushblue (L45.42) Flos apidanus (?)
  • Amblypodia adriana actually Nilasera adriana De Nicéville, 1884. Variegated Plushblue (L45.43)
  • Amblypodia asoka actually Nilasera asoka De Nicéville, 1884 . Spangled Plushblue (L45.44)
  • Amblypodia chinensis correctly Arhopala chinensis Felder, 1865. Chinese Plushblue (L45.45)
  • Amblypodia areste Hewitson, 1862. Tailless Plushblue (L45.46)
  • Amblypodia fulla now Narathura fulla (Hewitson, 1862). Spotless Oakblue (L45.47)

[edit] Genus Surendra - The Acacia Blues

[edit] Genus Mota - The Saffron

  • Mota massyla (Hewitson, 1869) Saffron (L47.1)

[edit] Genus Loxura - The Yamfly

[edit] Genus Yasoda - The Branded Yamfly

  • Yasoda tripunctata (Hewitson 1863). Branded Yamfly (L49.1)

[edit] Genus Drina - The Yams

  • Drina donina (Hewitson 1865). Brown Yam (L50.1)

[edit] Genus Apharitis - The Silverlines

[edit] Genus Spindasis - The Silverlines

[edit] Genus Zesius - The Redspot

[edit] Genus Pratapa - The Tufted Royals

  • Pratapa vidura now Dacalana vidura (Horsfield 1857) Double Tufted Royal (L54.1)
  • Pratapa cotys now Ancema cotys (Hewitson 1865) White-banded Royal (L54.2)
  • Pratapa ctesia actually Ancema ctesia (Hewitson 1865) Bi-spot Royal (L54.3)
  • Pratapa blanka actually Ancema blanka (De Nicéville 1895) Silver Royal (L54.4)
  • Pratapa deva (Moore 1857) White Royal (L54.5)
  • Pratapa icetas (Hewitson 1865) Dark Blue Royal (L54.6)
  • Pratapa icetoides actually Ancema icetoides (Elwes 1892) Blue Royal Assam (L54.7)
  • Pratapa cleobis actually Creon cleobis (Godart 1823) Broadtail Royal (L54.8)
  • Pratapa bhotea now Maneca bhotea (Moore 1884) Slate Royal (L54.9)

[edit] Genus Tajuria - The Royals

  • Tajuria jangala actually Remelana jangala (Horsfield 1829) Chocolate Royal (L55.1)
  • Tajuria megistia actually Sithon megistia (Hewitson 1869) Orange and Black Royal (L55.2)
  • Tajuria yajna (Doherty 1886) Chestnut and Black Royal (L55.3)
  • Tajuria melastigma now Ops melastigma (De Nicéville 1887) Branded Royal (L55.4)
  • Tajuria ister actually Ancema ister (Hewitson 1865) Uncertain Royal (L55.5)
  • Tajuria buto actually Bullis buto (De Nicéville 1895) Baby Royal (L55.6)
  • Tajuria culta actually Creusa culta De Nicéville 1896 Black-branded Royal (L55.7)
  • Tajuria diaeus actually Iolaus diaeus Hewitson 1865 Straightline Royal (L55.8)
  • Tajuria albiplaga ( De Nicéville 1887) Pallid Royal (L55.9)
  • Tajuria sebonga sebonga Tytler 1915 Tytler's Royal (L55.10) It is a valid synonym of T. jalajala pallescens (Druce).
  • Tajuria thyia De Nicéville 1892 Dusky Royal (L55.11)
  • Tajuria jehana Moore 1883 Plains Blue Royal (L55.12)
  • Tajuria cippus (Fabricius 1798) F. Peacock Royal (L55.13)
  • Tajuria illurgis actually Cophanta illurgis Hewitson 1866 White Royal (L55.14)
  • Tajuria illurgioides De Nicéville 1890. Scarce White Royal (L55.15)
  • Tajuria luculentus Swinhoe is actually Iolaus luculentus Leech 1890. Chinese Royal (L55.16)
  • Tajuria maculata actually Tajuria maculatus (Hewitson, 1865). Spotted Royal (L55.17)

[edit] Genus Charana - The Mandarin Blues

  • Charana jalindra Moore Banded Royal (L56.1) No entry in Lepindex
  • Charana mandarinus (Hewitson 1863) Mandarin Blue (L56.2)
  • Charana cepheis De Nicéville, 1895. Cachar Mandarin Blue (L56.3)

[edit] Genus Neocheritra - The Grand Imperials

[edit] Genus Suasa - The Red Imperial

[edit] Genus Cheritrella - The Truncate Imperial

[edit] Genus Cheritra - The Common Imperial

[edit] Genus Ticherra - The Blue Imperial

[edit] Genus Biduanda - The Posies

[edit] Genus Rathinda - The Monkeypuzzle

[edit] Genus Horaga - The Onyxs

[edit] Genus Catapoecilma - The Tinsels

  • Catapoecilma elegans Druce, 1873. Common Tinsel (L64.1)
  • Catapoecilma subochracea El. Yellow Tinsel (L64.2) actually Pentila subochracea Hawker-Smith, 1933
  • Catapoecilma delicatum DeN. Dark Tinsel (L64.3) now Acupicta delicatum De Nicéville, 1887

[edit] Genus Chliaria - The Tits

  • Chliaria othona (Hewitson 1865) Orchid Tit (L66.1)
  • Chliaria kina (Hewitson 1869) Blue Tit (L66.2)

[edit] Genus Hypolycaena - The Tits

[edit] Genus Zeltus - The Fluffy Tit

[edit] Genus Artipe - The Green Flash

  • Artipe eryx (Linnaeus 1771). Green Flash (L69.1)

[edit] Genus Deudorix - The Cornelians

  • Deudorix epijarbas (Moore 1857)Cornelian (L70.1)
  • Deudorix hypargyria Elwes actually Rapala hypargyria Elwes, 1892. Scarce Cornelian (L70.2)

[edit] Genus Virachola - The Guava Blues

  • Virachola isocrates (Fabricius 1793). Common Guava Blue (L71.1)
  • Virachola perse (Hewitson 1863). Large Guava Blue (L71.2)
  • Virachola similis (Hewitson, (no date)). Scarce Guava Blue (L71.3)

[edit] Genus Rapala - The Flashes

  • Rapala rubida Tytler 1926. Rosy Flash (L72.1)
  • Rapala refulgens De Nićeville 1891. Refulgent Flash (L72.2)
  • Rapala lankana actually Vadebra lankana (Moore1879) Malabar Flash (L72.3)
  • Rapala suffusa (Moore 1878) Suffused Flash (L72.4)
  • Rapala tara De Nicéville 1889 Assam Flash (L72.5)
  • Rapala sphinx Fabricius 1775 Brilliant Flash (L72.6)
  • Rapala varuna (Hewitson 1863) Indigo Flash (L72.7)
  • Rapala schistacea (Moore 1879) Slate Flash (L72.8)
  • Rapala scintilla De Nicéville 1890 Scarce Slate Flash (L72.9)
  • Rapala pheritimus Hew. Copper Flash (L72.10)
  • Rapala dieneces (Hewitson 1878) Scarlet Flash (L72.11)
  • Rapala melampus actually Baspa melampus (Stoll 1781). Indian Red Flash (L72.12)
  • Rapala jarbas correctly Rapala iarbus (Fabricius 1787) Common Red Flash (L72.13)
  • Rapala buxaria De Nicéville 1889 Short Flash (L72.14)
  • Rapala nissa actually Bidaspa nissa (Kollar 1848). Common Flash (L72.15)
  • Rapala micans actually Bidaspa micans (Bremer & Grey 1853) Red Himalayan Flash (L72.16)

[edit] Genus Sinthusa - The Sparks

[edit] Genus Bindahara - The Plane

[edit] Genus Araotes - The Witch

[edit] Genus Liphyra - Moth Butterfly

[edit] References

  • Beccaloni, G. W., Scoble, M. J., Robinson, G. S. & Pitkin, B. (Editors). 2003. The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). World Wide Web electronic publication. [1] [accessed June 2006]
  • Evans, W.H. (1932) The Identification of Indian Butterflies. (2nd Ed), Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India
  • Wynter-Blyth, M.A. (1957) Butterflies of the Indian Region, Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India.

[edit] See also

Arthropoda - Insecta - Families of Lepidoptera Monarch Butterfly