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See Ashvins for the divine twins.

Ashvin (Hindi: क्वार kvaar, Bangla: আশ্বিন Ashshin), also known as Aswayuja, is a month of the Hindu and Bengali calendars. In India's national civil calendar, Ashvin is the seventh month of the year, beginning on 23 September and ending on 22 October.

In lunar religious calendars, Ashvin may begin on either the new moon or the full moon around the same time of year, and is usually the seventh month of the year. Several major religious holidays take place in Ashvin, including Durga Puja (6-10 Ashvin), Dasehra (10 Ashvin) and Divali (29 Ashvin).

In solar religious calendars, Aashvin begins with the Sun's entry into Virgo, and is usually the sixth month of the year.