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Aryanz IT Services is an information technology (IT) services company founded in Hyderabad, India in 2000 by Chanchal Kumar Mall. It operates from three locations - London, Bangalore and Hyderabad (India). It has very small scale operations and possibly is one of India's smallest IT companies.

[edit] History

This group is the brain child of the founder Chanchal Kumar Mall. The IT bug bit him at the age of fourteen. In due course of time, he worked out a plan and this dream came true with Aryanz. He initially formed the business group under the name of Space Age Technologies in the year 1998, but changed the name to Synclair in 1999 to avoid trade mark conflicts. The group then constituted of two people. Later, the domain name was lost to a domain registration company in the year 2003. This is when the group adopted their current name Aryanz. It was initially conceived by a group of people from various branches of engineering and technology while they were studying at their college.

[edit] Present

The group consists of many people for various engineering backgrounds – Chanchal Kumar Mall Chandra Sekhar PNS

[edit] Business

Aryanz has been involved in software development, website development, technical education and public information portals.