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Aryamehr (Persian: آریامهر Āryāmehr) was the title used in the Pahlavi dynasty by Shahanshah Mohammad Reza Shah of Iran. It means Light of the Aryans.

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi.
Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi.


[edit] History

It was granted as a secondary title by a session of the joint Houses of Parliament (Majles) on 15 September 1965 to Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran (reigning since he took the oath at the Majles on 17 September 1941), before his coronation at Teheran, 26 October 1967.

When Reza Pahlavi nominally succeeded his father (in exile because the Iranian Revolution had made Iran an Islamic Republic), he assumed as Reza Pahlavi II the titles of Shahanshah and Aryamehr together with the style of His Imperial Majesty, on 27 July 1980.

[edit] Associated order

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, crowning Farah Pahlavi as Empress of Iran.
Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, crowning Farah Pahlavi as Empress of Iran.

The Neshān-e-Āryāmehr, Nešâne Āryāmehr or Nishān-i Āryāmehr, meaning 'the Order of Light of the Aryans', was the third and last Imperial order of knighthood which the last Shah (re?)founded on 26 September 1967 (This date, given in most publications, is plausibly the date of revival, not of institution: photographs of the Imperial wedding celebrations in 1939 show the Empress Mother Taj ul-Mulk wearing an almost identical star; Reza Shah may well have founded the order at the same time as the Order of Pahlavi in 1932) in honour of his consort, Empress Farah Dibah, and restricted to ladies only. The first class was restricted to female Sovereigns or consorts of reigning rulers, the second class to princesses.

[edit] See also

[edit] Sources and references

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