Wikipedia talk:Articles for deletion/Kevin Barrett

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Keep: His article promotes discussion. Conspiracy is politics. All governments conspire or "plan in secret". The only real question is to what extent. As Roman judges would ask in all cases, "Qui bono?" or "who profits". Follow the money and the real crimminals will be found. Keep the article and let the truth be found. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) . I agree 100%. Keep. Considering how many people in the US and around the world disbelieve the US government's version, the subject is certainly worth talking about. Anyway, the government's official conpiracy theory on the subject appears to me highly unlikely. Considering that incidents such as Pearl Harbor were proven later to have been deliberate ops to get the US into war with Germany, I have no reason to believe the gummint now—seeing as how 911 has been used as an excuse to launch 2 wars already, and counting. And I don't see the point in waiting twenty or 40 years till some mainsteam pundit writes a book on it.

The idea that history can be dictated by the state smacks of 1984. If someone wants to prove that the government conspiracy theory is correct—great! Go ahead. It certainly hasn't been proven so far.

Strong Keep!! —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs).

[edit] Don't delete Kevin Barrett Articles

KEEP: Kevin Barrett believes a conspiracy theory and cites evidence to support it. Our government forwards a conspiracy, spreads it through the media in the form of propaganda, and skirts all evidence that questions its validity. Kevin Barrett is far far more credible than our incredible government and media. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs).

[edit] Keeper 100%.... Freedom in America, Where has it gone?

What happen to freedom in this country? What happened to being open? What happen to America being a melting pot? If one can not express his or her beliefs in America then we should go ahead and Join China and Russia. The people fighting to have this removed have already taken there own freedoms away without realizing it.

How about this pick up a gun and go get some in Iraq then talk about Iran.

Thank you from a Desert Storm Vet.

It is a keeper. All governments lie. The biggest of them all is they do not lie.

By the way Kevin you present more substantiated facts than the governement. Given physical evidence and the fact the 9/11 Commision did not even talk about WTC 7 falling should give you a reason to be curious. Lets not forget the put options that were on United and American. Just to many facts against the official story to believe it.

By the way these are the only 3 Concrete and Steel structures in the world to have ever fallen from fire and yet to believe they fell at the rate of free fall and AND ON THERE OWN FOOTPRINT! What luck on an unlucky day huh! 3 in one day wow it was them there terrorist. Yes Sir reee bob it was Osama I mean Iraq no both plus they have nukes yes yellow cake yes, yep and I swear we will defend Israel with all our Kids yes sir, I mean get them terrorist.

[edit] Thank You, everyone: your input has kept the Kevin Barrett article on Wikipedia

Kevin Barrett is noteworthy in that he proficiently presents serious questions about the events of 9/11, which the mainstream media has all but buried. Now more than ever, America (and the rest of the world) need true patriots to stand up against an increasingly tyrannical government, one that has used and continues to use 9/11 as an excuse for everything from the Iraq war to the decimation of our liberties. Results of a recent Zogby poll showed that over 70 million Americans want a new 9/11 investigation. Mr. Barrett does not represent a fringe group. He represents a huge, and ever growing segment of American (and world) citizens. - Alex Carson 12:45, 19 July 2006 (UTC)