Wikipedia talk:Articles for deletion/Gang stalking

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People's frustration at being ignored by the powers that be in their concerns about the direction society is taking sometimes are made known when they join a stalking group. They may think they are helping to discipline criminals who have evaded the law. But in fact, at least part of the time, they are harassing innocent people who are targeted for being an obstacle in some way to a secret society, such as the Masons. This form of harassment often endures for years, and destroys the life or property of the targeted individual. Privacy is violated, the person is injured, or treasured possessions such as a car are damaged. There is no legal recourse, as the police often know and aid it, and even if they oppose it, there is little they can do. The abuse often continues if the victim moves, as other local affiliates in the new area are informed of the target's move and resume the abuse in the new location. Called gang stalking, this abuse is a fact of life in many countries and there seems to be little the government is able or willing to do. Not even a public announcement that the target is innocent would have any effect, as the abusers do not trust the authorities who are "soft" on crime. It would seem a victim's only hope is for the conversion of the abusers, a tall order. And the secret societies that dominate these gangs would need to find public opposition to them strong enough that they would find it worthwhile to abandon what seems a useful and effective tool for crushing dissent. In the meantime, a victim's only hope is that society will become aware of what is happening, perhaps through this article and your own action.

[edit] Gang Stalking

The practice of gang stalking, or group stalking, is widespread both in the United States and abroad. The intent is to terrorize and intimidate selected persons purportedly for "kicks." In certain venues, gang stalking is referred to as "bullying."

This type of discriminatory stalking (which appears to have a religious element) is invariably accompanied by violence. This is nothing new. One needs only recall the heydays of the Know Nothing Party in the 1840s, the events following Kristallnacht in 1938, and the lynchings which punctuated the segregationist policies of the Deep South during the early half of the 20th Century.

Persons who are gang stalked these days must also deal with violence, including but not limited to recurrent breakings and enterings, recurrent vandalism of their property, thefts, and extremely brutal harassment by electromagnetic and acoustical weapons systems.

This topic must be addressed, as it is a part of our "encyclopaedic" history and cannot be disregarded. The practice, so long as it continues unconstrained, shows holocaustic potential, which no doubt will be of interest to future generations of Wikipedia readers.

/s/ Julianne McKinney, author "Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation," as also posted on Wikipedia.

[edit] *KEEP

A very real phenomenon which gov'ts use against dissidents and growing ever popular in the US. Last summer an article appeared in a major Boston newspaper in which pacifist groups were under surveillance and being harassed by Homeland Security, including a Quaker group. Surveillance vans parked in obvious locations and followed members and one member had a black helicopter folow her for several miles as she drove from Boston to Cambridge at very low altitude - going the same speed as her vehicle, clearly a harassment technique by a GROUP. The Boston ACLU also reported harassments in this article as did several other similar peaceful protest groups. Gang Stalking is REAL, pertinent to current events and important for people to know about. Valerie Cutler

[edit] Keep Gang Stalking, Delete Persecution Complex and Brighting

````Gang Stalking is a criminal phenomena that occurs around the world. The similarities in cases as reported by numerous victims/targets around the world is in and of itself evidence of the necessity for the subject to be contained within the Wikipedia.

   The websites that address this issue of gang stalking have a high volume of visitations and downloads. This is further evidence that retaining this subject as a resource is in the best interest of the internet public.
   As to the concept of "Gang Stalking Persecution Complex", this is nothing more than inappropriate jargon that someone recently created that has no basis in the medical world. There is no such set of symptoms and no such diagnosis in the 

DSM IV, which is the standard of all mental health diagnoses recognized by the medical profession. There is no such diagnosis or symptomotogy as "Gang Stalking Persecution Complex" that would be recognized by or paid for by and insurance company in the world. Therefore, this ill conceived terminology must be removed for the sake of consistency with the WikiPedia and the professional world.

  As to the concept of being a victim of "gang stalking", there are medical professionals who recognize and treat victims of all forms of stalking, including stalking by several people in an organized manner, known here as "gang stalking." Some states, California included, allows services for such victims, even though sucessful prosecutions are not made. This lends further credibility to the events referred to here as "Gang  Stalking." This supports the retention of this crime for the public interest.
 As to the concept of "brighting", this plays a very small role in ritual abuse, and in of itself, is merely the shining of lights on a target/victim or their property. This has no place in the subject heading and should be deleted entirely.

It is of no significance in the overall serious problem of "Gang Stalking."

  */s/ R. Ross, RN, BBA, CIRS //