Wikipedia:Articles for creation/Wizard-Ready for submission
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You are ready to go! When you click the button below, you'll be taken to an edit page that resembles the image on the right.
- Place the title of your article in the box labelled Subject/headline
- Place the text of your article in the blank area as directed by the page. You may want to open Wikipedia:How to edit a page in a different window or tab in your web browser to help you format your article correctly.
- List your sources in the blank area as directed by the page
- When you are finished, click "Save page". You are all done! Thank you for your submission.
What happens next: Once your article is submitted, it will be reviewed by one or more registered editors who will apply the same criteria to your submission that was outlined in this wizard:
- Is the article's subject acceptable for Wikipedia?
- Is the article's subject notable and does the article establish that notability?
- Does the article cite its sources?
- Does the article not violate copyright?
- Is the article written from a neutral point of view?
If the answer to these questions is 'yes', your article will be created. If not, your article will be declined.
If your article is declined: Don't take it personally! Having an article declined by no means reflects poorly on you or diminish your value to the project. We hope that you will continue to contribute to Wikipedia.