Wikipedia:Articles for creation/Wizard-Content

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5. Content
6. End

Your article submission must not violate copyright. If your article submission consists of copy-and-pastes of other websites, we can not accept it -- unless those websites specifically release their content into public domain or under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License. This is true even if you wrote the other website. Any article submission that is found to be violating copyright will be declined and deleted. It is always better to write the article yourself in your own words. It is okay if your text is not perfect -- that can always be fixed later.

Your article should also establish notability. On a previous page, you were given guidelines on what makes your subject notable. Be sure to include why the subject is notable in your article submission. This will not only help the editors who review submissions, but also the people who will eventually read your article.

Your article must be neutral in its tone. Articles in Wikipedia strive to adhere to a neutral point of view, meaning that it neither is "for" or "against" any particular subject matter. While properly cited praise or criticism about the subject is perfectly acceptable, your article should approach it from a neutral tone. Articles that either overtly attack or praise its subject will be declined.

Does your article submission meet the content requirements?