Arthur Thompson

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Arthur Thompson, known as "the Godfather", was a notorious Glasgow-born gangster who made his mark on the streets of Scotland in the 1950's, and who then went on to take charge of organized crime for over thirty years.

Thompson began his career as a money lender and made sure he always collected. He then went on to invest his money into legitimate businesses, which grew more and more over the years, making him a very wealthy man.

Still, Thompson never stopped being a criminal and was one of the most feared criminals in Scotland for a very long time. Protection racketeering soon followed and it was rumoured that by the 1990's he was earning around £100,000 a week from money lending alone.

Arthur Thompson's criminal career ended on March 13, 1993 when he suffered a heart attack in his bed. He was 63. some say that it was the waiting for someone to kill him that killed him. Arthur Thompson never fully recovered the death of his son, Arthur 'Fat Boy' Thompson, who was killed by a hit man known by some as The Apprentice, which is believed to be one of the factors involved in 'The Godfather's' death.

He is also known for being involved with Paul Ferris, a Glasgow gangster who was speculated to be his protégé, however Ferris was betrayed by Thompson, when he appeared in the witness box against him in a court case which saw Ferris be convicted of gun running and being imprisoned. Paul Ferris has since 'turned straight' and is now a businessman.Thompson tried to have Ferris killed on a number of occasions the last one shortly before his death before he ded by a man known as the guv'nor.

Some of Thompson's heavies say that, although he could be a sadistic man, he was also thoughtful and they relate how, after nailing one debtee to the floor, he was nice enough to leave the poor man's wife a claw hammer so she could get the nails out.The man who he crucified was a pimp who had not payed back Thompson who had lent him money.

[edit] Book

  • The Last Godfather - The Life and Crimes of Arthur Thompson by Reg McKay, pub Black & White Publishing, 2004. ISBN 1 84502 030 8