Arthur Evans Moule

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Arthur Evans Moule (1836- ? ) was an English missionary to China. He was the son of the vicar at Fordington, Dorset, and was educated at Malta College and the Islington Church Missionary Society College. In 1861 he went out to China, where he arrived in time to witness some of the stirring scenes of the Taiping Rebellion. He worked in the vicinity of Ningpo in 1861-69 and in 1871-76; at Hankow (where his brother had founded, in 1869, the first inland mission residence) from 1876 to 1879; in Shanghai in 1882-94; and, after eight years at home, in Chekiang and Kiangsu from 1902 to his retirement in 1910, having been Archdeacon in the diocese of Mid-China for 30 years. In Chinese he published tracts, sermons, a commentary on the Thirty-nine Articles, "A Letter to the Scholars of China," etc., and in English:

  • Chinese Stories (1880)
  • New China and Old (1891; third edition, 1902)
  • Half a Century in China (1911)
  • The Chinese People: A Handbook on China (1914)