Arthur Dake

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Arthur Dake (Darkowski) (8 April 191028 April 2000) was an American chess master. He was born in Portland, Oregon and died in Reno, Nevada.

He was born into a Polish family, who immigrated to America before World War I. He was a sailor during his late teenage years, and learned chess during this time. Dake's first chess tournament was the 1930 New York State Championship, in which he finished third. The Great Depression years saw unparalleled U.S. dominance of world chess competition. When US teams won three consecutive Chess Olympiads in 1931, 1933, 1935, and 1937, Dake was one of their major members, along with Isaac Kashdan, Frank Marshall, Reuben Fine, Israel Horowitz, and Abraham Kupchik, winning two individual medals: silver (1933), and gold (1935).

  • In 1931, he played at third board in 4th Olympiad in Prague (+5 –2 =7).
  • In 1933, he played at fourth board in 5th Olympiad in Folkestone (+9 –2 =2).
  • In 1935, he played at fourth board in 6th Olympiad in Warsaw (+13 –0 =5).

In 1931, Dake tied for 1st-3rd with Akiba Rubinstein and Frederick Yates, in Antwerp. In 1932, he tied for 3rd-5th, after Alexander Alekhine and Kashdan, in Pasadena. In 1934, he took 3rd in Chicago (US Open-ch). In 1934, he tied for 3rd-4th in Syracuse (Samuel Reshevsky won). In 1934, he tied for 2nd-3rd in Manhattan Chess Club Championship. In 1934/35, he tied for 1st-3rd with Kashdan and Fine in Mexico City. In 1935, he took 2nd, behind Fine, in Milwaukee (U.S. Open-ch). In 1936, he tied for 6-7th in New York (1st US-ch). In 1936, he tied for 2nd-3rd, behind Horowitz, in Philadelphia (US Open-ch). In 1938, he tied for 6-7th in New York (2nd US-ch).

He had met his wife Helen on the return ocean liner trip from Warsaw in 1935, and they moved back to Portland, where Dake had a career with the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles for more than 30 years.

Dake was a member of a U. S. Group which went to Moscow in 1946. He drew two games against Soviet grandmaster Andreas Lilienthal. In 1950, Dake played board 6 for the USA in a radio match against Yugoslavia. He scored one draw and one loss against Stojan Puc. In 1952, he tied for 4th-5th in Hollywood (Svetozar Gligorić won). In 1954, Dake lost one game to David Bronstein in USA - USSR Match.

Except for the USA - Yugoslavia match Hollywood 1952, the USA - USSR Match, and various minor local events in the Pacific Northwest, Dake apparently played little serious competitive chess for 37 years, from the 1938 United States Championship until he unexpectedly showed up to play in Lone Pine 1975. In the 1987 US Open, held at Portland, Oregon, Dake's home town, he scored 8-4 (at the age of 77 !).

He was awarded the International Master title in 1954, and received the honorary Grandmaster title in 1986 in recognition of his results in the 1930s. He was the oldest competitive chess grandmaster in history, and died in Portland in 2000 at age 90.

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