Artery (character)

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Artery, slightly warped, as depicted on the cover of Demon Thief
Artery, slightly warped, as depicted on the cover of Demon Thief

Artery is a character from Darren Shans Demonata series of books. He is a demon with green skin and insects (that vary) constantly eating his scalp. His bodily proportions are similar to a toddler's, but he has a much bigger head than any human. He is Lord Loss's favourite familiar, and was partnered with Vein (a wolf demon with a crocodile's head and a woman's hands), until she was killed for disobeying Lord Loss. He has appeared in every book so except the one situated 1600 years ago, so it is likely he is relatively young in demon terms.

[edit] Appearances

Lord Loss: Artery appeared during the massacre of Grubbs family, and fought Grubbs while Dervish was playing chess against Lord Loss

Demon Thief: Artery was stolen by Kernel, and Kernel used enormous amounts of magic to sculpt his features into that of a two year old humans.

Slawter: Artery does not have a big part in this book, but he appeared beside Lord Loss during the slaughter.

Bec: When Bec is being killed, there is a line 'Hands reach inside me and pull out my guts'. This is Artery's preferred method of killing, it also mentions one with a baby's body and mentions the fire in its eyes also dimming.

[edit] Importance

Artery seems to be the most important demon, except Lord Loss. He has definitely appeared in three books, and may have appeared in Bec (See above), so it is likely that he will adopt an important role. It seems strange that Artery is so important to Lord Loss as he is not one of the most powerful demons.