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The correct title of this article is arping. The initial letter is shown capitalized due to technical restrictions.

arping is a computer program which is similar in function to ping, but it operates using ARP instead of ICMP. As such, arping is only usable on the local network, and in some cases the response will be coming, not from the arpinged host, but rather from an intermediate system that engages in proxy ARP (such as a router).

There are two arpings, one is part of Linux IPutils, and is Linux-only, the other uses libpcap and libnet to be platform independent, working on lots of UNIX-based OSs and even Windows.

Example arping (iputils version) session:

ARPING from eth0
Unicast reply from [00:01:80:38:F7:4C]  0.810ms
Unicast reply from [00:01:80:38:F7:4C]  0.607ms
Unicast reply from [00:01:80:38:F7:4C]  0.602ms
Unicast reply from [00:01:80:38:F7:4C]  0.606ms
Sent 4 probes (1 broadcast(s))
Received 4 response(s)

[edit] See also

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