User:Arnzy/TransLink Busway Network

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The TransLink Busway Network are a series of busways in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The busways are grade-separated, bus only corridors currently branching from Royal Brisbane Hospital in the north, to Eight Mile Plains in the South-East. Many other corridors are proposed in the Eastern Suburbs, and the Northern Busway branching from the Royal Brisbane Hospital, to as far as Chermside.


[edit] The origin of the Busway Network

The idea of constructing a busway network dates back to 1995 when the Queensland State Government, in partnership with Commonwealth Government and the local region governments developed the "Integrated Plan for South East Queensland". Commonly known as IRTP, it identifies the needs of need of segregate buses from normal traiffic by dedicated bus-only busway along major corridors.

In 1996, a Busway Strategy for Brisbane City was developed by consultants McCormick Rankin. The Strategy proposed a network of five busway corridors linking with the rail network to improve the public transport connectivity across Greater Brisbane.

The first busway was opened in September 2000 from Brisbane City to Woolloongabba to coincide with Football matches held in Brisbane Cricket Ground. It was proved to be a success. Travelling times to and from southern suburbs are reduced and become more consistent as busway are not being affected much by surrounding traffic conditions.

The busway network is not designed to replace the suburban Citytrain network, rather supplement it in Brisbane's inner suburbs. The Citytrain network is expanding in the outer suburbs.

[edit] Busway Network at Present

The Busways completed, and operational are as of follows

[edit] Future Busway Network

Busways proposed, or currently under construction are.

There are also plans of separating bus from general traffic in Brisbane City by running bus in tunnels around City.

[edit] Who may drive on the busway?

According to the legislation in Queesnsland:

  • (1) A person must not drive on a busway, other than a busway common area, unless the person is
    • (a) driving in the course of the person’s duty as an employee of
      • (i) a busway service provider authorised by the chief executive to use the busway; or
      • (ii) the holder of a service contract that requires the holder to provide a public passenger service for the area in which the busway is located; or
      • (iii) an emergency service; or
    • (b) authorised by the chief executive to drive on the busway.
  • (2) Emergency service means
    • (a) the Queensland Ambulance Service; or
    • (b) the Queensland Fire and Rescue Authority; or
    • (c) the Queensland Police Service; or
    • (d) the State Emergency Services; or
    • (e) another entity approved by the chief executive.
  • (3) Authorised busway user, for a busway, means
    • (a) a busway service provider authorised by the chief executive to use the busway; or
    • (b) another person authorised by the chief executive for the busway.
  • (4) Busway service provider means
    • (a) a person using a bus to provide a public passenger service other than
      • (i) a limousine service within the meaning of the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994; or
      • (ii) a taxi service within the meaning of the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994; or
      • (iii) a person who provides a scheduled passenger service under a service contract referred to in section the holder of a service contract that requires the holder to provide a public passenger service for the area in which the busway is located; or
    • (b) a person carrying out busway transport infrastructure works on a busway or busway transport infrastructure.

[edit] External Links

[edit] References



user of busway: