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ARNES stands for Academic and Research Network of Slovenia. Its main task is development, operation and management of the communication and information network for education and research, and was established as an independent public institution in 1992.
[edit] Legal structure
ARNES was established as an independent public institution in 1992. The sphere of activities, the organization and funding of ARNES is regulated by the Foundation Act of ARNES as a public institution. The Act defines ARNES as a research and educational infrastructure for the development, organization and management of the academic and research computer network in the Republic of Slovenia.
ARNES is directed by a Board of Directors. The Board consists of five members. The Board of Directors adopts an Annual Operating Plan and a Final Account in accordance with Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology.
The work and operations are managed by the Managing Director. He is appointed and replaced by the Board of Directors with the consent of the founder.
ARNES has a Technical Board which deals with user-oriented, technical, programme and development activities.
Funds necessary for the execution of ARNES operations are obtained from the budget of the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of the Annual Operating Plan. ARNES can also get funds from other sources. ARNES is required to use surpluses to carry out and develop its activities.
In legal matters ARNES acts independently.