Arming sword

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Classification Sword
Time Period ca. 1000 - 1350
Avg. Length 36" (91.4 cm)
Avg. Weight 2.5 lbs. (1.1 kg)
Blade Type Double-edged, straight bladed
Hilt Type One-handed cruciform, with pommel
The MS I.33 manuscript, dated to ca. 1290, shows fencing with the arming sword and the buckler.
The MS I.33 manuscript, dated to ca. 1290, shows fencing with the arming sword and the buckler.

The arming sword (also sometimes called a knight's or knightly sword) is the single handed cruciform sword of the High Middle Ages, in common use between ca. 1000 and 1350, possibly remaining in rare use into 16th century. Arming swords correspond to Oakeshott types XI, XII, XIII, and XIIIa and are generally considered to be descendant from the migration period or Viking swords. A combination of the Oakeshott and Peterson Typologies shows a chronological progression from the Viking sword to the "transitional sword", which incorporated elements of both Viking and arming swords. The "transitional sword" continued to evolve into to the presently defined arming sword. Arming swords were normally forged using the pattern welding "braiding" method normally used during the time period, making them excellent weapons.

Typically used with a shield or buckler, the arming sword was the standard military sword of the knight (merely called a "war sword", an ambiguous title given to many types of swords carried for battle) until technological changes led to the rise of the longsword in the late 13th century. There are many texts and pictures depicting effective arming sword combat without the benefit of a shield. According to Medieval texts, in the absence of a shield the empty (normally left) hand could be used for grabbing or grappling opponents. The arming sword was overall a light, versatile weapon capable of both cut and thrust combat; and normally boasts excellent balance. Although a variety of designs fall under the heading of 'arming sword', they are most commonly recognized as single-handed double-edged swords that were designed more for cutting than thrusting. Possessing wider and heavier blades than the Victorian smallsword, modern scholars have often erroneously classified them as broadswords.

It is a common weapon in period artwork, and there are many surviving examples in museums. The arming sword was worn by a knight even when not in armor, and he would be considered 'undressed' for public if he were without it (much like a Samurai and his swords)[citation needed]. The first longswords were actually little more than two-handed arming swords, but the difference in length grew substantially as time passed. Long after these larger weapons came into use, the arming sword was retained as a common sidearm, eventually evolving into the cut & thrust swords of the Renaissance.

Due to the influence of fantasy gaming in the late 20th century[citation needed], arming swords are sometimes incorrectly referred to as longswords or broadswords (the former actually refers to a long-bladed two-handed sword and the latter to a type of broad-bladed basket-hilted sword popular in the 17th and 18th centuries).

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