Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh

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Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh (a.k.a. Arkanoid 2)
Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh screenshot
Screenshot of Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh
Developer(s) Taito
Publisher(s) Romstar
Designer(s) Yasumasa Sasabe and team
Release date(s) 1987 (Arcade)
1988 (Computer conversions)
Genre(s) Breakout
Mode(s) Up to 2 players, alternating turns
Platform(s) Arcade Game, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Commodore Amiga, MSX, PC, ZX Spectrum, Apple IIGS
Input Optical rotary, 1 Button
Arcade cabinet Vertical
Arcade CPU(s) Z80
Arcade sound system(s) YM2203
Arcade display Raster, 224 x 256 pixels, 512 colors

Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh (a.k.a Arkanoid 2) is an arcade game released by Taito in 1987 as a sequel to Arkanoid.


[edit] Description

The mysterious enemy known as DOH has returned to seek vengeance on the Vaus space vessel. The player must once again take control of the Vaus (paddle) and overcome many challenges in order to destroy DOH once and for all. Revenge of Doh sees the player battle through 30 rounds.

[edit] New Features

Revenge of Doh differs from its predecessor with the introduction of "Warp Gates." Upon completion of a level, two gates appear at the bottom of the play area, on either side. The player can choose to go through either one of the gates - the choice will affect which version of the next level is provided. The fire-button is only used when the Laser ('L') or Catch ('C') pod is caught.

The game features a mini-boss in the form of a giant brain, which will help you practice for Doh. You must aim for the brain's mouth to defeat it.

Arkanoid 2 offered a much greater range of power-up capsules, which drop from the bricks as they are destroyed by the ball. The capsules are:

B capsule (Pink): "Break." Opens the warp gates at the bottom of the screen, allowing you to bypass the level even when it is unfinished.

P capsule (Dark Grey): "Player." Gives you another Vaus.

C capsule (Light Green): "Catch." Enables you to catch the ball, move to another position, and fire by pressing the mouse button. If you hesitate too long, the ball will release on its own.

D capsule (Light Blue): "Divide." The ball divides into 8 balls (unlike the previous game, when the ball divided into 3).

M capsule (Purple): "Mega." Turns the normal ball into a red (and unfortunately almost impossible to see) "mega ball," which can destroy even indestructible bricks and will only bounce back after hitting the sides of the chamber or the ceiling.

E capsule (Medium Blue): "Expand." Doubles the size of your Vaus.

R capsule (Black): "Reduce." The Vaus shrinks to half size, but every block you destroy doubles in point value. Unless you're really a good player, this makes it very difficult to play.

L capsule (Red): "Lasers." Equips the Vaus with lasers that destroy most bricks. You fire the laser by pressing the mouse button.

T capsule (Dark Blue): "Twin." Gives you two Vauses instead of one. Not a particularly helpful one, as it limits your maneuverability and the ball tends to fall between the Vauses.

S capsule (Orange) "Slow." Temporarily slows down the speed of the energy ball. The ball will speed up upon hitting the ceiling of the chamber, making this capsule unhelpful in some levels. On the other hand, the ball speeds up much more quickly and rapidly in this game than in the previous Arkanoid, making it helpful to extend a normal playing speed.

I capsule (Dark Green): "Invisible." Creates a transparent grey shadow at the bottom of the screen that follows the Vaus around. It will deflect energy balls, greatly expanding the functional area of the Vaus.

N capsule (Light Grey): "New."The ball continually divides into three balls until you catch another capsule. This is very helpful on some levels.

Flashing yellow capsule: This special capsule will reward you randomly with one of the following three powers: 1. 20 energy balls; 2. 20 mega energy balls; 3. Continuous laser fire. On most levels, the first two powers are enough to clear the entire board. The third can make it extremely difficult to see what's going on, and won't help on levels with lots of indestructible blocks.

[edit] Trivia

  • Zachary B Hample holds the official world record for this game with a maximum possible 3 120 570 points. [1]
  • Casper holds the official record for this game on easy settings with a maximum of 2 092 740 points on February 6, 2007 using MAME32 Plus and cheats.

[edit] Series

[edit] External links