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Cross section of the breast of a human female.
Cross section of the breast of a human female.
A yellowish areola
A yellowish areola

In anatomy, the term areola (diminutive of Latin area, "open place") is used to describe any small circular area such as the colored skin surrounding the nipple. While it is most commonly used to describe the pigmented ring around the human nipple ("areola mammae"), it can also be used to describe other small circular areas such as the inflamed area surrounding a pimple.

Merriam-Webster notes two pronunciations for the term areola; aREola and areOla, with speaker icon pronunciations.

There is a reason the areola's color differs from that of the rest of the breast. The areola is roughly where the ducts of the mammary glands are. Careful inspection of a mature human nipple will reveal 15-20 small openings arranged radially around the tip of the nipple (lactiferous ducts) from where milk is released during lactation. Other small openings in the areola are sebaceous glands which may provide a little oily lubrication during lactation, otherwise known as Montgomery's glands (or glands of Montgomery).

The areola's color normally ranges from purple to brown. Areolar color is highly variable but generally tends to be paler among people with lighter skin tones and darker among people with darker skin tones. Areolae generally darken during pregnancy. Some regression to the original color may occur after delivery. Areolar diameter is also highly variable; it may vary between 1 in./25.4 mm and 4 in./100 mm in diameter, with average sizes nearing 1 3/8 in./30 mm.[1]. Even larger areolar diameters are possible in the case of lactating women or women with large breasts.

In some instances, when the nipple is erect, the entire areolar complex engorges with it. This is more noticeable in caucasian women whose nipples are either short or inverted.

[edit] References

  1. ^ M. Hussain, L. Rynn, C. Riordan and P. J. Regan, Nipple-areola reconstruction: outcome assessment; European Journal of Plastic Surgery, Vol. 26, Num. 7, December, 2003

[edit] See also