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Archy is a proposed radically new system for interacting with many kinds of computers. Designed by human-computer interface expert Jef Raskin, it embodies his ideas and established results about human-centered design described in his book The Humane Interface. These ideas include content persistence, modelessness, a nucleus with commands instead of applications, navigation using text search and a zooming user interface (ZUI). The system was being implemented at the Raskin Center for Humane Interfaces under Raskin's leadership. Since his death in February 2005 the project is being continued by his team.

Archy in large part builds on Raskin's earlier work with the Apple Macintosh, Canon Cat, and SwyftWare, and can be described as a combination of Canon Cat's text processing functions with a modern ZUI. Archy is more radically different from established systems than are Sun Microsystems' Project Looking Glass and Microsoft Research's Task Gallery prototype.

Archy used to be called The Humane Environment ("THE"). On January 1, 2005, Raskin announced the new name, and that Archy would be further developed by the non-profit Raskin Center for Humane Interfaces. The name "Archy" is a play on the Center's acronym, R-CHI, and an allusion to Don Marquis' archy and mehitabel poetry, which is now in the public domain. Thus, the system is named after a bug.


[edit] Basic concept

The stated goal of Archy is to design a software system starting from an understanding of human cognition and the needs of the user, rather than from a software, hardware, or marketing viewpoint. It aims to be usable by disabled persons, the technology-averse, as well as computer specialists. This ambitious plan to build a general purpose environment that is easy to use for anyone is based on designing for the common cognitive capabilities of all humans.

The plan includes making the interface as modeless as possible. In order to achieve this, modal features of current graphical user interfaces like windows and separate software applications are removed.

[edit] Persistence

All content in Archy is persistent. This eliminates the need and the concept of saving a document after editing it. The system state is preserved and safe from crashes and power outages: if the system crashes or power goes off, one simply restarts the system and takes up working where one left off when the problem occurred. A detailed history of the user's interaction allows all actions to be undone since his/her very first action performed within Archy, and re-done again till the most recent action.

[edit] Leaping

Leaping in the Archy interface.
Leaping in the Archy interface.

A main innovation of the interface is the Leaping, a means of moving on-screen via incremental text-search. The system provides two commands, Leap-forward and Leap-backward, invoked through dedicated keys, that move the cursor to the next and prior position that contains the search string. Leaping is performed as a quasimode operation: press the Leap key and, while holding it, type the text that you want to search; finally release the Leap key. This process is intended to habituate the user and turn cursor positioning into a reflex.

Leaping to document landmarks such as next or previous word, line, page, section, and document amounts to leaping to Space, New line, Page, and Document characters, which are inserted using the Spacebar, Enter, Page and Document keys respectively. On a standard computer keyboard, Archy uses the Alt keys as Leap keys, Backquote (`) as a Document character and Tilde (~) as a Page character.

The cursor can still be moved forward and back by one character using the Left and Right arow keys, and the text can be scrolled up and down by one line using the Up and Down arrow keys. This is known as Creeping.

[edit] Commands

Another feature is intended to provide the power of a command line interface in a graphical user interface (GUI). Command names can be inserted and executed at any place in the interface. This reduces the need to move a mouse pointer to a menu bar or toolbox to execute commands, and allows for quickly composing the results of several commands in sequence.

In Archy, command names are filled in as the user types.
In Archy, command names are filled in as the user types.

To use a command the user types the command name while holding down the command key (the caps-lock key). Most command names are filled in automatically, so the user needs to type only until the full name appears.

Since a command can be used anywhere, applications are obsolete as the core of the interface's design. Installing a new package of commands provides a functionality related to their common task. In this way, the user is not restricted to the closed environment of a single application in order to use these functions. Rather, the API is exposed to the user so that these functions can be used system-wide and combined in ways unforeseen by the designer. Ideally, commands could be installed in the system one by one, so that users can acquire and install only what they need.

Many commands operate on selected areas of text. Selections are displayed by using a background color. Several selections can be active at once, and the color of a given old selection changes as newer selections are made. For example, to send an e-mail message, you might type and select the text of the message, type and select the address of the recipient, and invoke the SEND MAIL command.

[edit] Zoomworld

Example of a ZUI
Example of a ZUI

Archy's Zooming User Interface (ZUI) element is called Zoomworld. It is a spatial, non-windowing interface: an infinite plane expanding in all directions and zoomable to infinite detail. Extra information on an item is provided by "flying" closer to inspect it, and the destinations of hyperlinks are inserted in-place instead of being represented by textual reference. Browsing in this Zoomworld can be done with a mouse; leap functions are used as a search facility.

Project members claim that a similar, but limited, zooming interface was tested in real world applications with remarkable success. In 10 minutes, users became efficient at using this radically new interface for a complex application — a timetable for multiple hospitals.

[edit] License

It uses the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 License. This simply states that "you must give the original author credit, you may not use this work for commercial purposes, and if you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one." Given the "non-commercial" clause, it is not Open Source (see FAQ).

[edit] External links