Archmage (Dungeons & Dragons)

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D&D character class
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In the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, the archmage is a prestige class originally found in the 3.0 edition Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting and after also in the 3.5 edition Dungeon Master's Guide. An archmage is an arcane magic user who has become an expert at manipulating and altering their spells. Most archmages are pure wizards or sorcerers, rarely multiclassing, so they may become masters in their study of magic.

[edit] Class Features of the Archmage

The archmage receives the same amount of skill points as the wizard. Each level, the archmage gains spells per day for his/her primary spellcasting class as if he/she had gained a level in that class. Each level, the archmage also gains a High Arcana ability. Each ability requires the archmage to give up a single spell slot from a certain level of spells he/she can cast.

Because the Archmage is only a five level prestige class, it does not have an epic progression, and cannot be taken beyond five levels.

[edit] External link

Dungeons & Dragons character classes

Base classes from the Player's Handbook: BarbarianBardClericDruidFighterMonkPaladinRangerRogueSorcererWizard

Additional/Alternative base classes: ArchivistArdentArtificerBeguilerBinderCrusaderDivine MindDragon ShamanDragonfire AdeptDread NecromancerDuskbladeEruditeFactotumFavored SoulHealerHexbladeKnightLurkIncarnateMarshalMysticNinjaNoblePsionPsychic WarriorSamuraiScoutShadowcasterShamanSha' irShugenjaSoheiSoulbornSoulknifeSpellthiefSpirit ShamanSwashbucklerSwordsageTotemistTruenamerWarbladeWarlockWarmageWilderWu Jen

NPC Classes: AdeptAristocratCommonerExpertWarrior

Unearthed Arcana generic classes: ExpertSpellcasterWarrior

Prestige classes: List of prestige classes

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