Architect of the Capitol

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United States Capitol
United States Capitol

The Architect of the Capitol (AOC) is responsible to the United States Congress for the maintenance, operation, development, and preservation of the United States Capitol Complex, which includes the Capitol, the congressional office buildings, the Library of Congress buildings, the United States Supreme Court building, the United States Botanic Garden, the Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building, the Capitol Power Plant, and other facilities. The Congressional office buildings include the Russell Senate Office Building, the Dirksen Senate Office Building, the Hart Senate Office Building, the Cannon House Office Building, the Longworth House Office Building, the Rayburn House Office Building, and the Ford House Office Building as well as the dormitories and schools for the Senate pages and U.S. House pages.

The Architect of the Capitol is one of three members of both the Capitol Police Board, which has jurisdiction over the U.S. Capitol Police, and the Capitol Guide Board, which has jurisdiction over the United States Capitol Guide Service. The other members of both boards are the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms and House Sergeant-at-Arms.

Until 1989 the position of Architect of the Capitol was filled by appointment from the President of the United States for an indefinite term. Legislation enacted in 1989 provides that the Architect is to be appointed for a term of ten years by the President, with the advice and consent of the United States Senate, from a list of three candidates recommended by a congressional commission. Upon confirmation by the Senate, the Architect becomes an official of the Legislative Branch as an officer and agent of Congress; he is eligible for reappointment after completion of his term.

[edit] List of Architects of the Capitol

This is a complete list of Architects of the Capitol:

Architect of the Capitol Term of Office Deputy Architect Assistant Architect Appointing President Notes
William Thornton 1793 n/a Washington Washington selected Thornton's original design for the U.S. Capitol.
Benjamin Latrobe March 6, 1803
July 1, 1811

April 6, 1815
November 20, 1817

n/a Jefferson


Latrobe was appointed twice. President Jefferson appointed him to take over work on the building in 1803 and construction was halted in 1811. During the War of 1812, the Capitol was burned by British troops, prompting President Madison to reappoint Latrobe as Architect of the Capitol and conduct repairs.
Charles Bulfinch January 8, 1818
June 25, 1829
n/a Monroe
Thomas U. Walter
Montgomery C. Meigs)
June 11, 1851
May 26, 1865
n/a Edward Clark Fillmore Walter and Meigs shared responsibility for the Capitol and the construction of its additions.
Edward Clark August 30, 1865
January 6, 1902
n/a Elliot Woods A Johnson
Elliot Woods February 19, 1902
May 22, 1923
n/a T Roosevelt
David Lynn August 22, 1923
September 30, 1954
n/a Coolidge
J. George Stewart October 1, 1954
May 24, 1970
n/a Eisenhower
George M. White, FAIA January 27, 1971
November 21, 1995
n/a William L. Ensign, FAIA Nixon Ensign acted as Architect after White's retirement until a replacement was appointed
Alan M. Hantman, FAIA January 6, 1997
February 4, 2007
Stephen T. Ayres, AIA
  • (Deputy: October 2005-February 2007)
  • (Acting Architect: February 2007-present)
Michael G. Turnbull, FAIA

(June 1998-present)

Clinton Hantman was the first Architect of the Capitol appointed under the legislation passed in 1989 providing for a fixed, renewable ten-year term for the Architects of the Capitol. On August 1, 2006, Hantman announced he will not seek a second term when his term expires in 2007.

[edit] External links

United States Congress
House of Representatives, Senate110th Congress
Members House: Current, Former, Districts (by area) | Senate: Current (by seniority, by age), Former (expelled/censured), Classes
Leaders House: Speaker, Party leaders, Party whips, Dem. caucus, Rep. conference, Dean | Senate: President pro tempore (list), Party leaders, Assistant party leaders, Dem. Caucus (Chair, Secretary, Policy comm. chair), Rep. Conference (Chair, Vice-Chair, Policy comm. chair), Dean
Groups African Americans, Asian Pacific Americans, Hispanic Americans, Caucuses, Committees, Demographics, Senate Women
Agencies, Employees & Offices Architect of the Capitol, Capitol guide service (board), Capitol police (board), Chiefs of Staff, GAO, Government Printing Office, Law Revision Counsel, Librarian of Congress, Poet laureate | House: Chaplain, Chief Administrative Officer, Clerk, Doorkeeper, Emergency Planning, Preparedness, and Operations, Historian, Page (board), Parliamentarian, Postmaster, Reading clerk, Recording Studio, Sergeant at Arms | Senate: Chaplain, Curator, Historian, Librarian, Page, Parliamentarian, Secretary, Sergeant at Arms
Politics & Procedure Act of Congress (list), Caucuses, Committees, Hearings, Joint session, Oversight, Party Divisions, Rider | House: Committees, History, Jefferson's Manual, Procedures | Senate: Committees, Filibuster, History, Traditions, VPs' tie-breaking votes
Buildings Capitol Complex, Capitol, Botanic Garden | Office buildings– House: Cannon, Ford, Longworth, O'Neill, Rayburn, Senate: Dirksen, Hart, Russell
Research Biographical directory, Congressional Quarterly, Congressional Record, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, The Hill, Roll Call, THOMAS
Misc Mace of the House, Power of enforcement, Scandals, Softball League
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