Arc Light

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Title Arc Light

probably cover of UK Hodder & Stoughton hardback
Author Eric L. Harry
Country United States
Language English
Genre(s) techno-thriller
Publisher Simon & Schuster (HB), Jove Books (PB)
Released September, 1994
Media type Print (hardcover, paperback)
Pages 625 pp (paperback edition)
ISBN ISBN 0-671-88048-9 (HB), ISBN 0-515-11792-7 (PB)

Arc Light is a the debut novel by Eric L. Harry, a techno-thriller about limited nuclear war published in 1994 and written in 1991-2.

As China and Russia clash in Siberia in June 1999, nuclear missiles strike the United States. The U.S. retaliates against Russia, and World War III begins. The nuclear and conventional weapon details are provided and expounded upon, as well as the damage they can do. The political and popular response to a disaster of this magnitude is portrayed, and maps provide details of main battle plans. The concept of Mutual assured destruction is a major theme of the book, and how nations try to avoid it yet are pushed towards it as the ultimate conclusion.

[edit] Plot summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The novel opens with the invasion of the Korean Demilitarized Zone by North Korea. Next is the phone call from Russian General Razov to American General Thomas, informing him of Russia's intent to recapture land lost to China in a previous conflict. The beginning of this invasion will be the use of tactical nuclear weapons to clear the way for the army. Meanwhile, another Russian general, Zorin, seizes control of the Stavka and gains access to Russia's nuclear launch codes. As China retaliates against Moscow, Zorin launches against U.S. nuclear missile sites. The U.S. responds in kind, and a political crisis erupts as war is declared and the President is impeached.

The novel follows Greg Lambert, an National Security Agency special advisor, in the inner governmental circles as the war begins and the Vice President is sworn in. The United States Army Reserves are called up, and Major David Chandler reports into March AFB in California, leaving behind his pregnant wife Melissa, an attorney. As the novel follows him from his leave-taking to his assignment as a battalion tank commander, Melissa gives birth and deals with fallout and fear back at home.

The novel proceeds along as conventional war begins as NATO is dissolved, and the U.S. and its new allies begin the invasion of Eastern Europe and Russia. Marines land in eastern Russia, and push west. But, Russia has not launched all of her nuclear weapons, and threatens to launch sub-based missiles at the quickly-emptying 304 largest U.S. cities. The President David Livingston and Joint Chiefs must wrestle with the failing economy, failing support, and all-out nuclear war, while the Army continues its advance into the heart of Russia.

Other characters include Monk, Marine sergeant in east coast invasion force.

[edit] External links

[edit] See Also

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