Aqueduct (comics)

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Aqueduct. Art by Mark Bagley.

Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance Ghost Rider #23 (April 1977)
Created by Jim Shooter
Don Heck
Alter ego Peter van Zante
Affiliations Thunderbolts, Force of Nature
Masters of Evil
Notable aliases Water Wizard
Abilities Water manipulation

Aqueduct (Peter van Zante), also known as the Water Wizard, is a super-villain in the Marvel Comics universe. Originally a Ghost Rider villain, Aqueduct has branched off and fought several other super heroes.

[edit] Biography

A veteran in the Vietnam War, Peter van Zante was wounded and sent to paramedics on a ship who used an experimental device to keep him alive until a storm settled and they could operate. A lightning strike destroyed the device but rejuvenated Peter. While convalescing, he learned he could manipulate water and cause it to assume a solid three-dimensional shape of his choosing and make it follow any directions he gave it. He took the name Water Wizard and became a petty thief, using his powers to manipulate the water into creating different water beasts and robbing banks. Originally working for the Enforcer, Water Wizard was sent against Ghost Rider, and attempted to create various water monsters in hopes of defeating him. Ghost Rider used his hellfire which, while not burning the Water Wizard's body, did burn his soul. Water Wizard fled, and after recovering continued service with his employer, The Enforcer. When Ghost Rider found the villains' hideout, Water Wizard immediately attempted to flee, but after witnessing the Enforcer's courage, he mustered up enough for himself and battled Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider eventually defeated Water Wizard with a swift punch and sent him to prison. Later employed by Justin Hammer to battle Iron Man with several other villains, Water Wizard quickly sped off in a self-created motorboat due to his cowardice.

Water Wizard using his powers.
Water Wizard using his powers.

Much later, in Chicago, the Water Wizard ambushed Ghost Rider, but his confidence was shattered when Ghost Rider easily disposed of him. Contemplating his standings as a super villain, Water Wizard met Moondark, a powerful magician, who promised to give him enough power to defeat Ghost Rider. Failing to follow Moondark's orders, Water Wizard immediately attacked Ghost Rider with a water monster, but it was destroyed and Water Wizard ran away. After being scolded by Moondark, Water Wizard yet again attacked Ghost Rider, this time with a water octopus creature. He was able to overpower the hero which allowed Moondark to strike. But, both of the villains ended up screaming in pain as Ghost Rider blasted them with hellfire. Ghost Rider later broke Water Wizard out of a mental hospital so he could refill the water of a barren town. Water Wizard agreed to, but caught Ghost Rider off guard and attacked. Joining up with a group of Arabs, and learning that his power could also affect oil, Water Wizard was eventually defeated and returned to prison.

Water Wizard was eventually targeted by the Scourge of the Underworld. Fortunately for him, he had a flat tire as he was driving to Bar With No Name, and was not present as the Scourge slaughtered many super villains. He went to Captain America for help, who told him to keep a low cover. He also battled Hydro-Man after they both attempted to attack the Fantastic Four.

[edit] Becoming Aqueduct

Water Wizard then ditched his codename and resurfaced as Aqueduct. He was hired to work with three other elemental-themed super villains called the Force of Nature. Together, they fought the New Warriors several times, but Aqueduct was repeatedly taken down by the amphibious Namorita (whom he could not drown). He later joined the Masters of Evil under the Justine Hammer.

[edit] Civil War/The Initiative

Recently, he was forced, along with many other super villains, to join the Thunderbolts during the Civil War.

Peter has been identified as one of the 142 registered superheroes who appear on the cover of the comic book Avengers: The Initiative #1. [1]