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Aquatoid autopsy
Aquatoid autopsy

The Aquatoids are a fictional race from the X-Com universe. They are similar to the Sectoids encountered in the first X-Com game, and are genetically related to them.

Aquatoids carry sonic weapons and are quite fragile, being vulnerable to all forms of weaponry. Due to their atrophied physical condition, they make at best average soldiers, but their higher than average intelligence makes them dangerously sneaky at times.

All subclasses of alien are included in the Aquatoid ranks, most of which are capable of some form of Molecular Control attack.

The alien races of X-COM
X-COM: UFO Defense X-COM: Terror from the Deep X-COM: Apocalypse
Sectoid | Snakeman | Ethereal | Muton | Floater | Celatid | Silacoid | Chryssalid | Reaper | Sectopod | Cyberdisc Aquatoid | Gill Man | Lobster Man | Tasoth | Calcinite | Deep One | Bio-Drone | Tentaculat | Triscene | Hallucinoid | Xarquid Alien Egg | Brainsucker | Multiworm | Hyperworms | Chrysalis | Anthropod | Psimorph | Spitter | Megaspawn | Popper | Skeletoid | Micronoid | Queenspawn | Overspawn