Apstar VI

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Apstar VI
General information
Launch Date April 12, 2005
Launch Mass 5 Tones
Orbit Mass
Manufacturer Alcatel Space
Model SB4000-C1
Launcher /
Flight Number
LM-3B /
Lifetime >15 YEARS
Transponder Information
Transponder Capacity [38 C/12 Ku]
Twta output power [64W for C / 145 for Ku]
Bandwidth 36 MHz,50 MHz
EIRP at Peak: 42 dBW for C band/60 dBW for Ku
Expendable Energy
Former location [134E]
Current location [134E]
List of broadcast satellites

The Apstar VI is a communications satellite built by Alcatel Space, a subsidiary of Alcatel, and was boosted into orbit on April 12, 2005 by Long March 3B launcher from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in China. It provides APT Satellite Holdings Limited (APT), a satellite operator in the Asia Pacific region, with broadband media and television services.

Photo courtesy of Alcatel Space
Photo courtesy of Alcatel Space

It is fitted with 38 C-band transponders and 12 Ku-band transponders. China is covered with a dedicated high power Ku-band beam for broadband multimedia transmission. It is the second model of the Spacebus 4000. The transponders have a reduced C-band receiving dish over a wide footprint, which extends across India, China and Australia.

It is significant in enhancing cooperation between Alcatel Space and China as a follow up to the SINOSAT satellite.

[edit] External sources