From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This category is a "template category". It is used to categorise pages which are in the template namespace. The category is part of the Wikipedia project infrastructure and should not be used to categorise pages belonging to other namespaces, in particular project main namespace pages such as articles.
For this namespace Category:Wikipedia templates is the top (root level) template category.
No description has been set for this category. See Template:Template category for details on setting a description.
Do not add templates to this category: instead, use the appropriate sub-category. If you don't know which one to use, please add the following the code to the end of a template, in order to add it to Category:Uncategorized templates:
[[Category:Uncategorized templates|{{PAGENAME}}]]
There are 4 subcategories to this category shown below (more may be shown on subsequent pages).
Pages in category "Applied science and technology-related infobox templates"
There are 2 pages in this section of this category.