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Any way for this to be encyclopedic? I'm not sure how relevant a style of pizza in one particular town is. Would this ever be verifiable? Friday 17:34, 13 July 2005 (UTC)

See: VfD Frank Pepe

FWIW, there are also already articles on New York-style pizza, Chicago-style pizza, and St. Louis-style pizza. I think these are all relevant to serious discussion of different styles and traditions of pizza, as well as to the local cuisine of the particular cities. Dr.frog 22:50, 20 July 2005 (UTC)

[edit] 'a pizza

I'd like to present a more reasonable explanation for this debate/discussion.

Most Italian emmigrants who settled in New Haven were Neapolitan (from the south of Italy, Amalfi, Sorrento, Salerno, Caserta, etc.). Most of them spoke the Neapolitan language (or dialect if you will).

In Neapolitan, the word for pizza is `a pizza. The word `a is the definite article the used before nouns like pizza which doesn't need to be translated here. For purposes of comparison, the word would be la pizza in Italian.

It's likely that these illiterate immigrants (I beg you, I mean no disrespect in this comment) weren't able to write properly Neapolitan nor English. When these immigrants began to open their own restaraunts, they started to write apizza on their signs and in their menus.

In conclusion, apizza isn't "a New Haven word" or some kind of local slang. It's just the way that the illiterate immigrants wrote the Neapolitan word 'a pizza, which over time, was used by other pizza places in greater New Haven and reinforced over the last 80 years.

If you don't want to take my word for it, here's the Neapolitan language Wikipedia. Afterall, `a pizza was created in Naples!


[edit] Apizza is just another way to say pizza

When I lived in the New Haven area, it was my understanding that apizza ("ah-beets") was just another way to say "pizza". (As the last anonymous commenter says, a dialect variation.) This Wikipedia article is the first time I encountered the theory that this is the name for New Haven-style pizza. I have not seen any support for this theory (the cited reference does not suggest any such thing). ... --orlady 21:37, 5 December 2006 (UTC)

Every pizzeria in the New Haven area has Apizza in the sign; I believe that's sufficient evidence of the validity of the word being directly associated with New Haven style pizza. I have seen the name used in other parts of the country, usually qualifying themselves as: "New Haven Style Apizza". Jsderwin 09:37, 3 April 2007 (UTC)