
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This user is interested in LGBT issues.
Image:Chaos-on-2-legs-icon.jpg This user is best described as Chaos walking on 2 legs.
☢ This user is an escaped genetic experiment.
This user trusts humanoids more than most humans
This user has enjoyed more than 9.9 mSv this year alone !
This user is prone to adopt Guinea Pigs as furry vegetarian housemates

This user fears the mighty Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris
This user is generally inclined to decline RSVP invitations to B-Day parties for Chupacabras
This user contributes using a AMD Barton Core 3200+ PC

This user loves this album more than any other, ever.
This user is a smoker.
This user enjoys Fresh Ink

Ø This user is a recluse.
This user suffers from a general anxiety disorder.
This user has depression.
This user experienced multiple Spontaneous Pneoumothorax
EDNOS This user suffers from eating disorder not otherwise specified.
This user is an Angel.
‎ ‎ This user feels like he/she is lost.
This user thinks these guys need to lighten up a bit
This user has a sense of humour
and shows it on their userpage.