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Anuruddha was one of the five chief disciples and a cousin of Gautama Buddha.


[edit] Early years

Anuruddha was the son of Sukkhodana and brother of Mahanama. As Sukkhodana was the brother of Suddhodana, king of the Sakyas in Kapilavastu, Anuruddha was cousin to Siddhartha, who was later to become Gautama Buddha. He was a kshatriya by birth. He grew up in a life of luxury, dwelling in a different house for each season, surrounded by dancers and mimes. Two years after the enlightenment of Gautama Buddha, he returned to Kapilavastu to preach his his ideas in the Sakyan kingdom. At that time, along with Ananda and Devadatta, two other cousins of the Buddha.[1] This came after he also needed to convince his cousin Bhaddiya to accompany him, in order to gain his mother's permission. Together they went with Ananda, Bhagu, Kimbila, Devadatta and their barber Upali, to the Buddha at the Anupiya Mango Grove and were ordained.[2]

[edit] Religious life

By the end of the rainy season, Anuruddha acquired "divine vision" (dibba-cakkhu), and was later ranked foremost among those who had attained it. Anuruddha was then assigned by Sariputta the eight thoughts of a great man as a meditation topic. Journeying into the Pacinavamsadaya in the Ceti country to practise these, he was able to master seven, but could not learn the eighth. After the Buddha became aware of this, he visited Anuruddha and taught it to him. Anuruddha developed insight and then realised arahantship.[2]

[edit] Depiction

Anuruddha is depicted in the Pali Canon as an affectionate and loyal bhikkhu, abundantly affectionate to the Buddha, and stood near the Buddha in assembly. At one point, when the Buddha was disappointed with the arguments of the monks at Kosambi, he retreated to Pacinavamsadaya that he repaired, to stay with Anuruddha in more tranquil conditions. In many texts, even when a large number of distinguished monks were present, Anuruddha is often the recipient of the Buddha's questions, and answers on behalf of the sangha.[2]

[edit] After the Buddha

Anuruddha was present when the Buddha died at Kusinara. He was foremost in consoling the monks and admonishing them as to their future course of action, reminding them of the Buddha's decree to follow the dharma.[2] He was also one of the few to realise when the Buddha had died. As the Buddha was reclining and going through the jhanas, Ananda said to Anuruddha: "The Exalted One has attained final Nibbana, Venerable Sir." Anuruddha, having divine vision, stated that the Buddha was absorbed in the state of "cessation," but had not yet passed away. To recognize this difference of a state of mind was only possible for an arahant, who was like Anuruddha skilled in clairvoyance, while Ananda was yet to become an arahant.[1] Anuruddha was also consulted by the Mallas of Kusinara regarding the Buddha's last obsequies. Later, at the First Buddhist Council, he played a notable role and was entrusted with the custody of the Anguttara Nikaya. Anuruddha died at Veluvagama in the Vajji country, in the shade of a bamboo thicket. He was one hundred and fifteen years old at the time of his death.[2]

[edit] Depictions in the Jataka

Anuruddha is depicted frequently in the Jataka, which describes the previous reincarnations of Buddhist figures. In the time of Padumuttara Buddha time he had been a wealthy householder. Hearing one of the monks declared best among possessors of the celestial eye, he desired a similar honour in the future. He performed acts of merit, including the holding of a great feast of light in front of the Buddha's tomb. In Kassapa Buddha's era he had reincarnated and was born in Varanasi; one day he placed bowls filled with clarified butter around the Buddha's tomb and set them alight, circumambulated the tomb throughout the night, bearing on his head a lighted bowl.[2]

He was reborn in a impoverished family in Varanasi and was named Annabhara. One day, while working for his master, the banker Sumana, he gave his meal to a Pacceka Buddha, Uparittha. The banker, having heard of Annabhara's pious deed, rewarded him by helping to establish a business for him. The king, impressed with him, gave him a site for a house, and when the ground beneath was excavated, yielded much buried treasure.[2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Hecker, Hellmuth (2006-06-18). Ananda, The Guardian of the Dhamma. Buddhist Publication Society. Retrieved on April 5, 2007.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Anuruddha. Buddhist Dictionary of Pali Proper Names. Retrieved on April 5, 2007.