Anuak Militants

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Anuak militants are a group of armed and organized rebels belonging to the Anuak ethnic group of western Ethiopia as well as Sudan. The main targets of this militant group include innocent women and children of the "highlanders" (Oromo, Amhara & Tigre), the ethnic Nuers as well as international agency workers like United Nations staff in Gambella region of Ethiopia and Ethiopian refugee camp coordinators.[citation needed]


[edit] Background

The Anuak people (also Anyuak, Anywaa, (Jambo,Nuro)) are one of the more than eighty ethnic groups in Ethiopia. Their villages are scattered along rivers of southeastern Sudan and western Ethiopia.[1] They speak a Nilotic language known as Anyua, which is spoken by several Anuaks in Ethiopia. For the most part, they are herdsmen and farmers and they practice mainly Animism, however there are small Christian Adherents.[2] Currently there are around 56,000 Anuaks in Ethiopia. Historically, the Anyuak kingdom used to be a federation of villages headed by an independent Nyie. These villages were constantly feuding among themselves for the control of the Ocwak – the royal throne and bead. Traditionally, the Anyuak wear lots of beads and other artefacts like the tail of giraffe.

[edit] Issues

The Anuaks have many neighbor ethnic groups including the Ajiebo Murle, Nuar Nuer, Dhuok Suri,the Oromo, Amhara (the highlanders) and many others. Their relationship with other ethnic groups is usually animosity and violence, especially with the Nuar who have pushed them to the east.[3] There are a lot of natural resources in western Ethiopia and adding more fuel to the violence is the more than eight languages spoken by other groups around the Anuak land.[4]

[edit] Militant activities

In October, 2005 Anuak rebels attacked four police officers and prison warders. Along with this attack the Anuak millitants targeted the Catholic church and then moved to the police station & prison to free many jailed rebel fighters.[5] They also wounded six other men and murdered the Gambella state police commissioner.[6]

After the current government came to power in 1991 it ruled the area through local parties, but real power was still in the hands of the local highlanders. And ethnic conflicts occur between the highlanders and the Anuaks, sometimes bringing in the Nuars as well.[7] These ethnic problems began in the 1980s - when the previous Derg government used forced resettlement to bring about 50,000 people from Ethiopia's exhausted central highlands to the fertile, but swampy, malaria- infested Gambella region where the Anuaks and Nuers live.[8] The Anuak rebels also attack miners and economic development workers in Gambella. In 2004 the militants killed three government refugee workers and attacked a United Nations vehicle.[9]

[edit] Attacks on Nuers

Nuer are mostly refugees that moved east away from the Sudanese civil wars and sheltered in Ethiopia for a several decades. They number in thousands and live in the Gambella region of Ethiopia. Despite the attempt of the regional government to keep peace, Anuak rebels continue to attack Nuers. In August 2002, two adults Nuer men were stabbed several times by a group of Anuak youth in and around Gambella’s main market. Also in 2002, a hand grenade thrown on to a passenger Isuzu truck, full of Nuers traveling to Lare in Jokaw Woreda, killed two instantly and wounding 18. One of the victims later died in Hospital from his wound.[10] The attack took place at the Mobil fuel station in the middle of Gambella town. The attacker who was also wounded in the process was later held by the army and allegedly confessed that he was part of a bigger group organized to eliminate the Nuers. The plan was originally envisaged to attack the Nuer during the Ethiopian New year celebration. Also On a hand grenade was thrown into a dormitory at the Teachers’ training College wounding six ethnic Nuer Sudanese refugees, one of them seriously.[11] Same day a group of Anuak coming as far as Abobo woreda attacked the Nuer settlement at Ochom for the second time, wounding four people, but killing 35 sheep, six cows and unspecified number of goats. Four households were burned down. Among the assailants, unspecified number was killed or wounded. Later in 2002, five Nuer men who went to cut bamboo for roofing on the road to Anfilo Woreda of Oromia region were Ambushed, killing two, and wounding one. Two escaped unharmed but identified their attackers as Anuaks. The perpetrators are still at large.

In June 2006, Anuak militants attacked a bus that was going from Addis Ababa to Gambella and killed fourteen passengers. Around 40 more people were injured and wounded in the attack.[12]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Location of Anuaks
  2. ^ Anuak people information
  3. ^ Anuak relationship with other groups
  4. ^ Languages west Ethiopia
  5. ^ Anuak rebel attack church & police
  6. ^ Anuak rebels kill state Commissioner
  7. ^ Highlanders and Anuaks
  8. ^ 1980s resettlement
  9. ^ United Nations staff attacked
  10. ^ Anuak militants
  11. ^ Anuak rebels killing Nuers
  12. ^ Anuak rebels attack a passenger bus