Antonius Sanderus

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Antoon Sanderus (September 15, 1586 - January 10 or January 16, 1664), born in Antwerp, was a Flemish historian, philologian and theologian.

Sanderus studied theology in Leuven and Douai. After being ordained a priest in Gent, Sanderus served as priest in Oosteeklo. He was an opponent of anabaptism in Flanders.

As a writer he latinized his name from Antoon Sanderus to Antonius Sanderus. His greatest work is his richly illustrated Flandria Illustrata (first print in Cologne, 1641-44). Of this work two Books were published, the others remained unfinished at his dead. The book contains a description and history of various Flemish towns and cities.

Other works written by Sanderus are a hagiography Hagiologium Flandriae sive de sanctis eius provinciae (first printed in Antwerp, 1625); a poem on Peter Paul Rubens (September 1621); an inventory of manuscripts held by various libraries Bibliotheca belgica manuscripta (first printed in Lille, 1641-43) and a history of Brabantian abbies and monastries Chorographia sacra Brabantiae (Brussels, 1659).

Sanderus died in the abbey of Affligem on 10 or 16 January 1664, the exact date being unknown.

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