Anton Haus

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Grand admiral Anton Haus
Grand admiral Anton Haus

Anton Haus (June 13, 1851-February 2, 1917) was an Austrian naval officer. He was promoted to Grand Admiral of the Austro-Hungarian Navy in 1916, in the middle of World War I.

He was named Commander in Chief of the kriegsmarine and the fleet on 24 Feb 1913, replacing the resigned Admiral Count Rudolf Montecuccoli.

Haus commanded the fleet from the beginning of World War I until near the end. In 1916 he was given the title Grand Admiral. He died while still in command, on February 2, 1917 at Pola. Following his death, Karl Kailer von Kagenfels was appointed acting commander of the fleet. Kailer himself was soon succeeded by Admiral Maximilian Njegovan, who had been in command of the First Battleship Squadron. Njegovan was in turn replaced in February 1918 by Admiral Miklós Horthy.

Haus was the only Austrian to ever achieve the rank of Grand Admiral.

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