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An antipope is a person who makes a widely accepted claim to be the lawful Pope, in opposition to the Pope recognized by the Roman Catholic Church. Antipopes are typically those supported by a fairly significant faction of cardinals. Persons who claim to be the Pope but have few followers, such as the modern Sedevacantist antipopes, are not generally counted as antipopes (though they technically are), and therefore ignored for regnal numbering.

In several cases it is hard to tell which was, in fact, the lawful Pope and which the antipope.

Antipope Felix V, the last historically significant Antipope.
Antipope Felix V, the last historically significant Antipope.

In its list of the Popes, the Holy See's annual directory, Annuario Pontificio, attaches to the name of Pope Leo VIII (963-965) the following note: "At this point, as again in the mid-eleventh century, we come across elections in which problems of harmonizing historical criteria and those of theology and canon law make it impossible to decide clearly which side possessed the legitimacy whose factual existence guarantees the unbroken lawful succession of the Successors of Saint Peter. The uncertainty that in some cases results has made it advisable to abandon the assignation of successive numbers in the list of the Popes." In all cases it is clear that whichever was the Pope, the other was an antipope, since the claim of each was in fact widely accepted.


[edit] History

Hippolytus (d. 235) is commonly recognized as the earliest antipope, as he protested against Pope Callixtus I and headed a separate group within the Roman Church. Hippolytus was later reconciled to Callixtus's second successor Pope Pontian, when both were condemned to the mines on the island of Sardinia. He has been canonized by the Church. Whether two or more persons have been confused in this account of Hippolytus,[1] and whether Hippolytus actually declared himself to be the Bishop of Rome, remains unclear, especially since no such claim is found in the extant writings attributed to him.

The Catholic Encyclopedia also mentions a Natalius[2], before Hippolytus, as first antipope, who, according to Eusebius's EH5.28.8-12, quoting the Little Labyrinth of Hippolytus, after being "scourged all night by the holy angels", covered in ash, dressed in sackcloth, and "after some difficulty", tearfully submitted to Pope Zephyrinus.

Novatian (d. 258), another third-century figure, certainly claimed the See of Rome in opposition to Pope Cornelius, and is thus reckoned as the first unequivocal antipope.

The period when antipopes were most numerous was during the struggles between the Popes and the Holy Roman Emperors of the 11th and 12th centuries. The emperors frequently imposed their own nominees, in order to further their cause. (The popes, likewise, sometimes sponsored rival imperial claimants in Germany in order to overcome a particular emperor.)

The Great Western Schism, which, on the grounds of the allegedly invalid election of Pope Urban VI, began in 1378 with the election of Clement VII, who took up residence in Avignon, France, led to two, and eventually three, rival lines of claimants to papacy: the Roman line, the Avignon line, and the Pisan line. The last-mentioned line was named after the town of Pisa, Italy, where the council that elected Alexander V as a third claimant was held. To end the schism, the Council of Constance deposed, in May 1415, John XXIII of the Pisan line, whose claim to legitimacy was based on a council's choice. Pope Gregory XII of the Roman line resigned in July 1415. The Council formally deposed Benedict XIII of the Avignon line, who refused to resign, in July 1417. Afterwards, Pope Martin V was elected and was accepted everywhere, except in the small and rapidly diminishing area that remained faithful to Benedict XIII. The scandal of the Great Schism created anti-papal sentiment and fed into the Protestant Reformation at the turn of the 16th century.

[edit] A list of significant antipopes

  1. Natalius, around 200, later reconciled (see above)
  2. Hippolytus 217–235, later reconciled with Pope Pontian (see above)
  3. Novatian, 251–258
  4. Felix II, 355–365
  5. Ursicinus (Ursinus), 366–367
  6. Eulalius, 418–419
  7. Laurentius, 498–499, 501–506
  8. Dioscorus, 530
  9. Theodore (II), 687
  10. Paschal (I), 687
  11. Constantine II, 767–768
  12. Philip, 768
  13. John VIII, 844
  14. Anastasius III Bibliothecarius, 855
  15. Christopher, 903–904
  16. Boniface VII, 974, 984–985
  17. John XVI (John Filagatto), 997–998
  18. Gregory VI, 1012
  19. Benedict X (John Mincius), 1058–1059
  20. Honorius II (Pietro Cadalus), 1061–1064
  21. Clement III (Guibert of Ravenna), 1080, 1084–1100
  22. Theodoric, 1100–1101
  23. Adalbert or Albert, 1101
  24. Sylvester IV (Maginulf), 1105–1111
  25. Gregory VIII (Maurice Burdanus), 1118–1121
  26. Celestine II (Thebaldus Buccapecus) 1124
  27. Anacletus II (Pietro Pierleoni), 1130–1138
  28. Victor IV (Gregorio Conti), 1138
  29. Victor IV (Ottavio di Montecelio), 1159–1164
  30. Paschal III (Guido di Crema), 1164–1168
  31. Callixtus III (Giovanni of Struma), 1168–1178
  32. Innocent III (Lanzo of Sezza), 1179–1180
  33. Nicholas V (Pietro Rainalducci), 1328–1330
  34. Clement VII (Robert of Geneva), 1378–1394 (Avignon obedience)
  35. Benedict XIII (Pedro de Luna), 1394–1423 (Avignon obedience)
  36. Alexander V (Pietro Philarghi), 1409–1410 (Pisan obedience)
  37. John XXIII (Baldassare Cossa), 1410–1415 (Pisan obedience)
  38. Clement VIII (Gil Sánchez Muñoz), 1423–1429(Avignon obedience)
  39. Benedict XIV (Bernard Garnier), 1424–1429(Avignon obedience)
  40. Benedict XIV (Jean Carrier), 1430–1437(Avignon obedience)
  41. Felix V (Duke Amadeus VIII of Savoy), 5 November 14397 April 1449 (elected by the Council of Basel)

The list of Popes and Antipopes in the Annuario Pontificio does not include Natalius (perhaps because of the uncertainty of the evidence) nor Antipope Clement VIII. It may be that the following of the latter was considered insufficiently significant, like that of "Benedict XIV", who is mentioned along with him in the Catholic Encyclopedia article on Pope Martin V.

As for Silvester III, sometimes listed as an Antipope, the Holy See's Annuario Pontificio classifies him as a Pope, not an Antipope. In line with its above-quoted remark on the obscurities about the canon law of the time and the historical facts, especially in the mid-eleventh century (see the second paragraph of this article), it makes no judgement on the legitimacy of his takeover of the position of Pope in 1045. The Catholic Encyclopedia places him in its List of Popes, though with the annotation: "Considered by some to be an antipope".

[edit] Current antipopes

Manuel Corral known as "Pope Peter II" is the head of The Palmarian Catholic Church (One Holy Catholic Apostolic and Palmarian Church)

David Bawden known as "Pope Michael I" considers himself as a head of overall Catholic church

Lucian Pulvermacher known as "Pope Pius XIII" is a Roman Catholic priest who was elected in October 1998 by the True Catholic Church

Jean-Gaston Tremblay known as "John-Gregory XVII" considers himself as a head of overall Catholic church.

[edit] See also

[edit] References