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The Anti-WAAhnsinns-Festivals were political motivated rock concerts in germany which where held to support the protest against a planned nuclear reprocessing plant in Wackersdorf in the 1980s. In 1986 the fifth festival in this series marked the climax of the protests: with over 100.000 visitors on 26./27.July 1986 it is the second biggest music festival in the history of Germany till today. The concert was held in Burglegenfeld a small village near the site of the planned nuclear reprocessing plant. All big players of the german music where on stage at this festival, e.g. BAP, die Toten Hosen, Udo Lindenberg, Rio Reiser, Herbert Grönemeyer. With the festival the german anti-nuclear movement got a huge and till these days not given response in the media. Approximately 6000 policemen guarded the festival, but against many thoughts the festival was absolutely peaceful. Due to the overhelming protests the planned nuclear reprocessing plant was never build.

[edit] Literature

  • Allnutt, Mike / Herl, Michael (Publisher): WAAhnsinn – Der Wackersdorf-Film. Die Filmbilder, Lieder, Texte, Reden, Interviews, Dokumente, Nördlingen 1986.
  • Hoffarth, Florian: "Ihr habt die Festung, wir haben das Fest" – Das ‚Anti-WAAhnsinns-Festival' 1986 als Höhepunkt der Bürgerproteste gegen die Wiederaufbereitungsanlage in Wackersdorf, in: Jahresband zur Kultur und Geschichte im Landkreis Schwandorf, Bd. 16/17 (2005/06), published by Landkreis Schwandorf, pages 102-123.

[edit] External Links

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