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Anti-Catalanism is the collective name given to various political attitudes, particularly in Spain, that oppose Catalan nationalism. It can refer to a reaction against Catalan nationalism or, particularly, Catalan independentism. In a broader context, it may mean a xenophobic attitude towards the Catalan language, Catalan culture or anything identified with Catalonia and political implications of this attitude. The latter one is also widely known as Catalanophobia.

Anti-Catalanism is a common phenomenon in Spanish political parties, and particularly among those to the right of the political spectrum. Far-right political groupings such as España 2000 object strongly to the autonomy enjoyed by Catalonia, claiming that the granting of autonomy to Catalonia and other regions will lead to the breakup of the Spanish State. A widespread saying illustrating this attitude is:

Antes roja que rota.

This roughly translates as: "(I would) Rather (see Spain) red than broken", meaning that right-wing anti-Catalanists would prefer to see Spain become Communist than have regions like Catalonia or the Basque Country secede from it.

Several political movements, known for organizing boycotts of products from Catalonia, are also actively identified with anti-Catalanism. The Partido Popular (PP), the principal right-wing political party in Spain, is often seen as anti-Catalan by Catalan nationalists. This conception was strengthened during the debates on the new Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia when the PP opposed the plan, asserting that it was unconstitutional. The Partido Popular rejects this claim and only asserts its opposition to Catalan nationalism.

Anti-Catalanism has an additional manifestation, called Blaverism in the Valencian Community. It is a movement against the concept of the "Catalan Countries" elaborated by Valencian author Joan Fuster, which sees Valencia as part of a grouping of regions united by a common Catalan culture. Proponents of Blaverism see this concept as "Catalan expansionism". Blaverism is best reflected in debates concerning the status of Valencian. This current is also identified actively with the political Right.

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